Chapter 19

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Reika's POV(Hinata's Mom):

I grab the blanket that I sprayed with Sho's cologne, hoping it would help Kei sleep, thinking he was cuddling with Sho, and cover Kenma and Kei. I whisper, "thank you Kenma. Why don't you try to sleep as well, I can see the bags under your eyes." He smells the blanket and smiles, "you sprayed his cologne?" I nod, "hoping it will help. Now you get some sleep as well, I can tell you haven't been sleeping either." He nods and closes his eyes. I smile and whisper, "sleep well boys." I start quietly singing a lullaby that I used to sing Sho as a baby, watching Kenma and Kei relax further into sleep.

"I haven't heard you sing that song in a long time love." I turn around to see Rin and I smile, "they both are having troubles sleeping, figured I would try to help." He smiles, "how are they holding up? I know our sunshine is important for both of them." I smile sadly, "it's rough on both of them, I think if anyone can understand what Kei is going through it's Kenma. I think that's why they're both able to seek comfort from each other. And if I need to sing this lullaby every night for them I will. How are you holding up? Having to see our son like that, how are you doin?" He kisses my forehead and sighs, "I'll be fine love, I'm glad it was me who saw him like that and not one of you guys. Why don't you take a nap as well honey, I'll be right here if either of them wake up ok?" I nod and go lay down on the other couch.

After an hour I wake up, seeing Kei is awake. Kei sees that I'm awake and he comes lay his head down on my lap, "m-mom, could you sing that lullaby tonight for me? You're voice is really soft and calming." I play with his hair, "of course I will Kei. You know I used to sing that to Shoyo as a little child, whenever he had troubles sleeping he would cuddle on my lap as I rocked in a chair singing him to sleep." He smiles sadly, "can you talk more about him to me please? It helps calm me down." I nod, "did you know Shoyo can actually sing as well? He doesn't sing very often but he has an angelic voice." Kei shakes his head, "he never told me he could sing." I chuckle, "I wouldn't expect him to, not even Kenma knows he sings. You know the one thing he's said was that he would sing for his kids, like I sang for him. He knows the lullaby, you should ask him to sing it for you once, he won't say no to you. *smiles* Did you know when you guys went on your first date, he was super nervous? He was so nervous he would mess something up and you would never want to speak with him again." Kei asks, "r-really? He didn't seem nervous, I thought I was the only one who was since I couldn't speak without stuttering." I smile, "he's good at hiding that. He didn't want you to think less of him. Also after your date when he came back, he had the biggest smile and couldn't stop talking about you. He pretty much had heart eyes. He was jumping around the living room because you kissed his cheek as a goodnight."

Kei smiles, "it took all my courage to kiss his cheek." I smile, "you captured his heart when you first met, he kept his distance and his emotions cold because he thought you were straight. The amount of times he had tears in his eyes because he thought he was in love with a straight guy. He told me when you came out to him, that you liked guys you seemed so nervous, that you thought he might hate you, and you'd lose one of your best friends. But little did you know he was holding himself back from kissing you and confessing his love to you." Kei blushes, "r-really?" I nod, "do you remember how after you told him that he got warmer towards you, and how you guys spent as much time together as you could? How he was more cuddly and hugged you more? *Kei nods* He was trying to slowly hint that he liked you, he stopped talking to other guys, stopped being a player the moment you said you were gay, he had an actual chance of loving you." Kei smiles, "and here I thought I was in love with a straight guy, I knew he talked and did stuff with others. I was jealous that it wasn't me, but I always thought it was with girls. I was nervous since he was 2 years older than me that he didn't think of me more than a friend or even a little brother, so when he confessed to me, I was so happy. And when dad asked about an arranged marriage, I was over the moon, so excited that he was going to be mine forever, even if it was arranged, I was still happy." I smile, "do you know that Shoyo initially was refusing the arranged marriage, because he didn't want to end your guys' relationship. After Rin said he was getting married and there's no way around it, that's when he said he would as long as it was you he married. Rin and your father were initially against it because you're younger, and could have a normal life. But after they talked about it, asked what you thought about an arranged marriage, when you told your father that you would Shoyo walked in, he was so happy he could stay with you. I'm sure if he wasn't able to marry you, he would've found a way around it, he was adamant about it was going to be you he married." Kei smiles, "thank you mom, this has really helped." I lean down and kiss his temple, "sweetie I'm here for you. If you want to talk about Shoyo, we can whenever you want. I can talk about how he was as a baby and little child, if all you want to do is listen. I'm sure Rin and Kenma have stories about Shoyo you can listen to." Kei gets up and grabs the blanket I covered him with, lays back down on my lap and snuggles into the blanket. He takes a deep breath in, "thanks for spraying his cologne on the blanket mom. *closes his eyes* I'm more calm being surrounded by his scent." I start playing with his hair again, "get some rest Kei, I'll sing the lullaby to you again." He nods and I sing the lullaby, watching as he slowly falls asleep.

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