Chapter 12

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~Thurday Morning~

Shoyo's POV: 

I made my way home, lay on the couch making sure to set a couple alarms to hopefully get some sleep. After a shitty 2 hours of tossing and turning I get up and head to the kitchen to make coffee. I then head to my office to get the meeting started, hoping this won't take long since I didn't really get much sleep last night. After the meeting running a little long it's now 8am, I'm not able to focus anymore so I quickly tell Mr. Takahashi, "Mr. Takahashi can we take a break? I didn't really sleep last night and I'm not able to keep my focus anymore, let's continue this meeting in a few hours, I'll call you back at 1pm my time which will be around midnight your time does that work for you?" He replies, "oh of course Mr. Hinata that's no problem. Please get some rest, we can continue this later." I nod and end the video call, I sigh and lean back on my chair and start falling asleep. I quickly set an alarm for 12:00pm and fall asleep.

After getting a few hours of rest I get up and head to the kitchen to get some lunch real quick before heading back onto call. I look to see I've missed some texts from Kei, I sigh, I hope he's not too upset with me. I go back to my office and I get back on my call and finish hashing out the launch. After a few hours my phone rings, I tell Mr. Takahashi one moment please.

~phone call~

Sho: This is Hinata Shoyo.

Tadashi: Shoyo? Is this a bad time?

Sho: Tadashi? Is something wrong? Why are you speaking quietly?

Tadashi: um..well our practice is almost done and Tsuki had been kind of down since you haven't showed up yet, I was wondering if you were going to come?

Sho: *sighs* Shit what time is it?

Tadashi: it's 4pm

Sho: I'm on my way, just let me end this meeting. Thank you for letting me know. Bye Tadashi.

Tadashi: bye Shoyo. Sorry if I interrupted something important.

~end phone call~

I quickly tell Mr. Takahashi, "sorry I'm needed somewhere else we can finish this all on our next meeting, let's start it at 1pm your time instead though ok?" Mr. Takahashi nods, "of course Mr. Hinata, thank you for letting take up so much of your time. I will see you Friday at 1pm for our meeting."

I quickly run out of the house and race to Kei's school.

Kei's POV:

*sighs* practice is almost over did he forget about today? As Daichi is calling to end our practice the gym doors open, Shoyo quickly walks in, I think to myself, 'damn he looks so hot, with his dress shirt unbuttoned and his hair messy. I want to just- ' Yams nudges me, pulling me from my thoughts and whispers, "stop undressing him with your eyes already."

I smile, run and jump to hug him, "you actually came!" He catches me with an oof, "sorry I'm late baby, I lost track of time because of my meeting." My eyes widen, "have you been in your meeting this entire time?! Your meeting started at 4am! Shoyo!" He kisses my cheek, "I've had a few hours away from my meeting to catch some sleep otherwise I've been working." I lightly smack his shoulder yelling, "why do you overwork yourself Shoyo! You look like your ready to drop!" He sets me down and sighs, "I'm sorry love but my schedule is very busy right now. Once we launch our new project I'll slow down I promise."

Suga walks over asking, "is everything ok here?" I sigh and nod, "yeah just upset with Shoyo overworking himself." Yams walks over, "sorry Shoyo, if I knew calling you to come here would get you in trouble I wouldn't have." Sho shakes his head, "no, thanks for calling me otherwise I'd still be in my meeting." I yell, "what?! Hinata Shoyo don't tell me you were still in your meeting until now! Did you leave your meeting just to come here?" He rubs the back of his neck, "heh, ok then I won't tell you." I smack his arm, "we're going home right now and you're going to get some sleep." He chuckles, "yes honey" I glare at him,  "let's go now." He waves bye, "well you heard him, I've got to go. Bye guys." Yams yells behind us, "sorry for getting you in trouble with the missus Shoyo!" He laughs while following me out.

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