Side story (Sho and Tai visit training camp!)

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*this isn't part of the main story! I got this idea from kanariaMasukat. I already had this story kind of planned out, so I decided to make a side story for Kei to have training camp. Enjoy this side story!*

Shoyo's POV:

Kei is pouting because he needs to attend training camp. "But Sho... I want to spend time with you! You actually have time off and I'm going to stupid training camp! Like did I do something to piss off the Gods or what?" I chuckle, "honey you're going to camp for the week. You'll be back Friday."

Kei goes up to our room and pouts. I shake my head, Tai softly laughs, "Kei pouting as well?" I roll my eyes, "so I take it Tadashi is too?"  He nods, "yeah, went off on a tangent about how the Gods don't want him to have a boyfriend and he's going to be lonely forever. Didn't realize we stopped dating because of a camp. Are you still dating?" I laugh, "well if he talks to Tadashi, no."

Tadashi and Kei come down, we go and hug them, I kiss Kei's cheek, "honey I understand but I promise we can spend time together when you're done with camp. I'll always make time for you." He nods and hugs me. Tai smiles and kisses Tadashi cheek, "I'm still on break after the camp is done. But I promise to visit even if it's just a day off. I'll come and see you ok?"  Tadashi hugs him.

I smile, "now are you guys ready? We'll drop you off at school ok?" They both sadly nod. We try not to laugh as we grab their bags and head to my car. Once we get to the school they grab their bags and sadly walk to the bus. Tai and I both wave to them and then drive off. Tai smiles, "want to fuck with them?" I smirk, "and how will we do that?" Tai smirks, "my cousin is in town. He would totally be willing to help us." I smile, "which cousin?" Tai says, "Baek-hyun" my eyes widen, "Baek-hyun is here?! Is he in Tokyo? Why didn't you say anything!"

We "quickly" make our way to Tokyo. I see Baek  and quickly give him a hug, "Baek-hyun why didn't you tell me you were over here! It's been a while since I saw you." Baek smiles and hugs me back, "hyeong! It's been a while! See how much I grew!" I nod, "anyone catch your eye Baek?" He blushes and nods, "her name is Park Eun-jung but I don't think she notices me." I pat his shoulder, "you'd be a good catch baek, just talk to the poor girl."

Tai interrupts, "sorry to interrupt your little reunion but Baek we need your help. We need you to make our boyfriends jealous. Since they don't know you." His eyes widen, "they won't beat me up will they?" I shake my head, "I won't let them touch you ok? I promise. I'll introduce you to them afterwards as well." He sighs, "fine.. but if I get beat you owe me big time!" I nod, "if they lay a finger on you, I'll personally fly to Korea and help you land the girl." He nods, "deal. What am I doing?"

Tai smirks, "first off we need to get you a make over and we need to change. Then off to where their training camp is to execute the plan." I nod, "wait Kenma knows him. I'll let Kenken in on the plan." I quickly text kenma, 'tell your coach you have a family emergency and you need to leave for a little bit. I need your help with something. Come to my apartment' He quickly responds, 'bet.'

I see Kenma walk in, he immediately sees Baek, "Baek-fucking-hyun!!!" He runs and hugs him, "what are you doing here?!" Baek laughs, "hi kitty, excited to see me? I'm here to visit Tai and hyung." Kenma looks at me, "is this what you need help with?" I shake my head, "Tai and I are going to make the boys jealous with this one here. But since you know him, I didn't want you ruining the plan." Kenma smiles, "we doin a makeover? Count me in!"

After a couple of hours this is what Baek looks like:

After a couple of hours this is what Baek looks like:

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