Chapter 37 (smut version)

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*Sorry this took a while. I was moving and then had to wait for internet. I hope you all enjoy this, once again I have a cleaner version if anyone wants to read that instead of this one with sex scenes!*

Kei's POV:

So I was even more surprised when I saw Tadashi and Tai walk off the plane. It's a whole get together. I'm sure Sho couldn't say no to Seiji. Right now I'm hanging out with Kenma and Tadashi, we decided to dress up a little bit and just have fun. Sho took Seiji along with Tetsuro and Tai, all 4 boys together? That spells out trouble.

A few hours later I see Tai and Tetsuro with Seiji coming towards us. Once they got close enough, Tai puts Seiji and down and whispers something. Seiji nods and then starts running yelling papa!!! I smile and squat down to pick up Seiji, "hi my baby. Did you get a new shirt?" Seiji nods, "read it!" I carefully read it, will you marry daddy? I tilt my head, "Seiji where did you get this shirt?" He just smiles, "turn round papa!" Confused I turn around to see Sho down on one knee holding a ring, I start to tear up, "Sh-Sho?" He smiles, "Hinata Kei, when I first saw you all those years ago, it was love at first sight, you were the one to capture my heart and claimed it as yours. When I finally had the confidence to ask you out and you said yes to going on a date with me, I jumped for joy. I was so happy, I was finally getting a date with the boy I loved for so long. I know our relationship wasn't normal. I know that sometimes you questioned I especially after the arranged marriage, but I wouldn't have changed a thing. Because without you I would've given up, you are my whole life. Being able to marry the love of my life, the boy I so longed for honestly felt like a dream sometimes. I know we're far from perfect but I know we'll get through the ups and downs life throws at us. If we got through your high school years there's nothing we can't handle. There's no one else in this world I would want to be standing next to me, as Seiji's papa. So Hinata Kei make me the happiest man in the world. Will you marry me?"

I have tears running down my face as I nod, "yes yes I'll marry you!" Seiji hops down and runs to mama. I run into Sho's arms crying, "I love you so much!" He pulls me into a kiss then puts the ring on my finger. Looking down at it, I tear up again, "it's so beautiful. *kiss* I love it. *kiss* I love you so much. *kiss*" He stares with such loving eyes, "I'm sorry I made you cry many times thinking I wasn't going to propose. I wanted it to be a surprise, I wanted you to feel like I was proposing because I love you with all my heart and not because I felt obligated to."

Suddenly I hear screaming and clapping. I look to see our family with tears running down their faces, the dads are video taping. Tadashi comes running, throws his arms around me, "I'm so happy for you!!" After everyone congratulated us on our engagement, Seiji ran back up to Sho, "daddy! Did papa love that supise?!" My eyes widen, "Seiji knew about this?" Seiji nods, "yeah! Daddy said it was a secret! Daddy said this secret was ok keep from papa because you love it! Did you love it?!" I smile and nod kissing his cheek, "I did baby, thank you for my surprise." Seiji smiles, "papa, hungry!" Sho laughs, "you heard the kid, time for dinner! Let's go celebrate."

Sho ended up giving me most of his drinks, he wanted me to have fun and let loose. He decided to drink apple juice with Seiji. During dinner our parents did toasts to us, congratulating us on the engagement. Seiji wanted to do one as well, "papa wear ring now! Daddy loves papa!! Now papa give daddy ring!" I smile, "will you help me pick out daddy's ring?" His eyes widen, "yes!" We ate and drank more. Finally it was time to return to our bungalows. Our parents, who are sharing a 2 bedroom bungalow, took Seiji for the night. Mom smiles, "we'll take Seiji tonight. Let you guys 'celebrate'. Hopefully get another grandchild out of it?" I blush and slur, "m-mom!" Seiji tilts his head, "daddy am I going to get a sister?" Sho smiles, "do you want a sister?" He smiles and nods, "yeah! I want sister!' Sho still smiling, "then we'll try to give you a sister ok?" Seiji yells, "daddy's going to give me sister!! Bye daddy! Bye papa!" I wave, "b-bye my baby!! Papa loves you!!" Sho kisses his cheek, "goodnight my little prince. Be good for grandma and grandpa ok? Daddy will come grab you tomorrow when we wake up." Seiji kisses his cheek, "I will daddy! I love you." He smiles, "I love you too my little prince."

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