Chapter 8

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~after lunch~

Shoyo's POV:

We're back at the office after eating lunch, mom says, "honey, your dad and I will let you guys be ok? I'm going to help your father with some of the paperwork in his office, just come get us when you're ready to leave ok?" I nod, "I have a meeting at 4 *looks at watch* so in about 3 hours, which will take about an hour, I should be ready to leave after that." She nods and walks away with dad. I turn to face Kei, "so we have about 3 hours until my meeting shall we get started on the tour? What do you all want to see?" He smiles and nods, "What are you aloud to show me? Shouldn't I have some sort of clearance before seeing some stuff?" I shake my head, "nah you're with me, plus you're my husband." He blushes, "Sho, we're supposed to keep it a secret." I smile, "no one here is going to say anything, when I'm over here I'm not exactly shy talking about my wonderful husband." He blushes more and covers his face with his hand looking away, I smile, god he's so adorable.

Our tour started at the first level of the labs and showing him the current project we just finished, then going to the different floors showing him all the different projects we have going on. We get on the elevator and I scan my ID and say, "Hinata Shoyo, secret project number 2." Kei gives me a confused look, I smile, "just wait, I'm going to show you something I've been working on that only mom and dad know about, so it's top secret can't tell anyone ok?" His eyes widen and nods, "I won't tell anyone Sho! But why did you need to scan your ID?" I reply as the elevator starts moving, "because no one is aloud on this floor who doesn't have the authority, and because of that this floor isn't accessed by pressing a button but rather scanning your work ID with voice recognition." His jaw drops, "oh wow, holy shit that's like really high tech." I laugh, "Kei, I am the CEO of Sunshine Tech." The elevator stops and the doors open showing my personal lab.

" The elevator stops and the doors open showing my personal lab

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Kei walks in jaw practically on the floor, "holy shit. This is so futuristic! OMG! How is this possible?!" I giggle at his reaction, "this is where I spend most of my time when I'm over here for long periods at a time. This is my personal lab, this is where I work on my more top secret projects whether it be for my company personally or for clients. Welcome to my world Kei." He turns to face me, "you did all of this? holy hell you're a  fucking genius babe. Is this only at this office or is there something similar to this at the Tokyo office as well?" I smile, "I have the same layout at my Tokyo office as well, and I'm able to access files from both offices, so no matter what I can do my work anywhere." I show Kei some of my personal projects I'm just messing around with, I look at the clock and I see it's 3:15pm, "hey Kei how about we head back to my office and relax before my meeting ok?" He nods, "sure let's go."

We get back to my office and I sit at my desk and pull Kei to sit in my lap, "I hope me showing you my work didn't bore you too much." He shakes his head, "it didn't bore me at all honestly. I'm glad you showed me, I never really had much of an idea of what you do at work. Although your more personal work makes me feel a little stupid, I wish I was able to understand and help you more." He looks down and I kiss his cheek, "Kei, you're not stupid. Honestly I think you could actually help me if you were able to be around that more than just a few hours. But I want you to focus on school which is why I never really told you exactly what I do at work." He looks up, "you're not just saying that?" I shake my head, "no I'm not just saying that. Once you're on any school breaks if you want to come to work with me and help, you can. But I want your main focus to be on school until you graduate ok?" He gives me a quick kiss and hugs me, "I love you." 

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