Chapter 24

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Shoyo's POV:

Doctor walks back in, "alright so we got the results. And Hinata Kei is..

"Congratulations  Hinata Kei you're pregnant!" Kei starts tearing up, I have the biggest grin on my face, I hug him and give him a kiss, "oh baby I'm so happy!" I wipe his tears as he hold his stomach, "we're really pregnant." I nod and smile with tears in my eyes, "we sure are baby." The doctor smiles, "would you like to see an ultrasound?" We both nod, "yes please."

The doctor nods, "alright just lay back and lift your shirt we'll see how far along you are. Beware the jelly can be a little cold." Kei nods and lays back on the table lifting his shirt up. The doctor applied the jelly and uses the wand to find our little baby. Once he finds it he says, "here we are. You see the little bean right there? That's your baby. I'd say your about 8 weeks along." Kei tears up, "that's our baby? Sho look." The doctor asks, "would you like a print out? How many would you like?" I nod, "yes, can we get 6?" He nods, "of course, congratulations guys. Now Kei with you being in high school are you in any sports?" Kei nods, "yes, I play volleyball. Will I be able to play still?" The doctor shakes his head, "unfortunately with you able to come in contact with a ball at some pretty good speeds we recommend you to stop playing as soon as possible, also of course no alcohol and you should minimize your caffeine intake. I'll give you guys a print out of what he can and can't have. And I want to see you back here in 3 weeks see how everything is going." Kei nods, "um is there anything i can have for the nausea? I haven't been able to keep much down because of it." The doctor nods, "of course, I'll give you some anti-nausea medication."

The doctor leaves to grab the print outs and the medicine and comes back in, "now take one a day in the morning, and you should be able to feel it work in about 30 minutes ok? Remember to make an appointment with the receptionist for 3 weeks out. I'll see you guys then." I nod, "thank you doctor." I smile and wrap my arm around Kei, keeping him close as we walk out of the office.

Once we make it home, it finally sets in for us. I pull Kei into a hug and cry, "I'm so happy right now. I can't believe we're actually going to have a baby!" He tears up and snuggles into my chest, "I'm so happy Sho." I give Kei a sweet and loving kiss, "how about we get changed and head over to mom and dad's? We can give them some good news." Kei smiles and nods, "let's go. I'll call them and make sure they're both home."

We both get changed and grab one of the print outs. Kei said both mom and dad were home so we headed to the store to pic up a gift bag and a picture frame real quick before heading over. We make it to their house we walk in as Kei holds the present behind his back. I smile and greet them first, "hi mom, dad, how's it been?" Mom smiles, "oh it's been good! Haven't seen you guys in a while!" Kei smiles, "yeah sorry Sho's been busy and I've been a little under the weather. But I forgot to give you guys your present from our trip! So why don't we sit down and you guys can open it?" They both nod and we all walk to the living room.

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