Chapter 6

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~getting ready to land~

Shoyo's POV:

It's about an hour before we're supposed to land so I can make sure dad will be there to pick us up. Thankfully Kei was able to get a few hours of sleep so he wouldn't be too jetlagged when we land. I sit on the couch working on more emails until we land. As I'm finishing up an email the stewardess comes over, "Mr. Hinata we are preparing for our descent into New York, we should be landing in shortly." I nod, "thank you, get everything prepared." She bows and walk away. I shut my laptop and make my way to the bedroom to wake up Kei. I sit down next to Kei, "Kei my love, it's time to wake up. We're getting ready to land." He groans and slowly sits up, "I want to sleep more." I kiss his cheek, "I know baby, I know you can take a nap later but I need you to stay awake otherwise you'll sleep all day. Now come on lets get up and get ready to land." He nods his head and follows me out to the couch, "is dad picking us up Sho?" We sit down and I nod, "yes I made sure dad will be there to pick us up." As Kei lays his head on my shoulder the pilot says over the intercoms, "Mr. Hinata we are starting our descent into New York, it is currently 10:30am est Friday."

Once we land and the plane completely stops the co-pilot comes out, "Mr. Hinata may I ask when we need the jet ready to fly back?" I smile, "I'll be leaving Sunday night around 8 or 9. Please rest and relax until then, go ahead and charge the account if you guys want to get anything while you stay." The co-pilot shakes his head, "oh no we couldn't! It's ok we can pay for our rooms." I sigh, "I insist on paying, especially since you guys were supposed to be in vacation for a while, so please when you guys are ready to go to the hotel just grab my driver and he'll take you guys where I already booked. They already know that anything you order is to be charged to my account no questions. So just relax and try to get some rest." He bows, "thank you so much Mr. Hinata." I nod, "it's the least I could do, see you Sunday."

I pick up Kei and head down the stairs I see dad and smile, "good morning dad." He smiles back, "not used to the time change is he? Do you need help getting the bags?" I nod, "could you get them please I'm going to wake up Kei." He nods and goes to grab our bags I whisper in Kei's ear, "Hinata Kei I need you to wake up now, if you don't I'll makeout with you right infront of dad." His eyes shot open and he blushes, "I-I'm awake S-Sho. You can put me down." I smirk and kiss his cheek then set him on his feet, "good morning love, want to stop and get some breakfast?" He nods as his stomach grumbles, "yes please." I smile, "of course we can stop by Dunkin' Donuts and grab some coffee to help keep you wake." Once we all get into dad's car we head of to Dunkin' and then off to my parents house.

Once we get to the house we walk in and I holler,  "mom we're back!" She comes running down and sees Kei with me she gasps, "you brought Kei with you this time?! *screams runs to hug Kei* oh Kei I've missed you! How have you been?! Oh I'm so happy you were able to come along." Kei smiles, "I've missed you too mom, thankfully Sho only had to come back for the weekend so I was able to miss a couple days of school to come." She nods, "you have all your homework correct? You can also have Shoyo help you if you have a younger questions." He nods, "Sho made sure I got all the homework I needed I got most of it done on the flight here and I'll finishing it up on the flight back so I can spend time with you guys while I'm here." She tears up, "you hear the honey, he actually wants to spend time with us unlike our own child." I sigh, "mom you know I would but I'm running a company and any spare time I have I'm trying to spend it with my husband, isn't that right Hinata Kei *kisses his cheek*." Kei blushes and looks down in embarrassment, mom smacks my arm, "Hinata Shoyo you behave, don't be teasing him." I laugh, "yes mother, I'll behave."

After a little bit Kei started getting tired again, "hey mom is it okay if Kei takes a nap, he's not used to the timezone changes." She nods, "oh of course go ahead and take him upstairs to your room, you dad can bring your bags up later. Is there a certain time you want to be up by?" I nod, "I'll set an alarm but you want to make sure we're up in a couple of hours I don't want him sleeping for too long." She nods, "I'll make sure you guys are up by then. Have a good nap Kei." He smiles, "thanks mom, sorry for any inconvenience we'll be causing." She pats his head, "you're  not causing any issues. We can talk more after you nap for a little."He nods and follows me upstairs to my room. I lay him down on my bed and he gives me puppy dog eyes, "you'll lay down with me right?" I kiss him, "of course I will I'm just going to go to the bathroom real quick then I'll lay down." After I use the bathroom I come back to bed and lay next to Kei pulling him on top of me. Snuggling into my chest, "I love you Sho." I kiss the top of his head, "I love you too Kei."

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