37. happily ever after

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Eden Salvatore

The little brat was screaming bloody murder. He balled up his tiny fists and threw them in the air, kicking and punching like he was mad. I held him up into the air, looking at him dead in the eyes. I watched as his chubby cheeks turned redder and redder by the passing seconds while tears streamed out of his huge grey eyes.

He was even more annoying than his father. I made a mental note to ask my sister in law what went wrong with her second child because Madeline turned out to be an absolute angel.

" Do you want milk? " I asked and he cried even louder. Christ. I didn't even know where his milk was.

I twirled his body from side to side, hoping that there was a button I could push to shut him up for good. Madeline tugged on my belt and I looked down to lock gaze with her. She stared up at me with a frown on her lips, clearly disappointed and unimpressed. I muttered curses inside my head.

" What are you doing, uncle Eden? " she asked, looking between me and her brother.

" Do you know what he wants, pumpkin? " I asked.

She stared at her brother for a moment before scratching her head. I waited patiently while she cocked her head to the side, tapping her chin repeatedly with her fore finger as if she was in a very deep thought.

I made peace with the fact that I could go deaf after this because the bloody kid could really fucking scream, he might as well make a career out of it and be an opera singer.

" Eden. " Adalina called out from the top of the staircase.

My head snapped up to the sound of her voice. Panic laced in between her words and she looked rather frantic as she picked her dress up and skipped down to me. I covered Aiden's ears and muttered curses under my breath. I hated the fear that was glinting her eyes and the sight of her body slightly shaking with anxiety.

I wanted to run to her and tell her that she was safe, that there was no danger except the ticking little human bomb I was holding in my arms.

" Auntie Addie. " Madeline squealed at the sight of my wife. She ran as fast as her feet could carry her and stopped just a feet before her aunt, gracefully dipping her knee down in a curtsy manner.

I watched in amusement as Adalina threw her head back, chuckling shakily at my cheeky niece. She bent down and gathered her into her arms, picking her up. " It's so nice to see you again, sweetheart. "

She buried her face into Madeline's hair before giving her a kiss, hugging her into her chest. She looked up after a moment and our eyes met. She glanced between me and the kids. A wave of relief flashed in her eyes and I saw her chest raised up and down as if she had been holding her breath.

Turning her body around, she unloaded the gun, I didn't even notice was in her hand, and threw it up to Thane who caught it with an ease. Madeline noticed him by then and started to wiggle her way down my wife's hip.

The poor guy barely had time to put away his weapons when the little girl lunged herself into his arms. " Uncle Thane. " she squealed as he started to throw her up and down.

Adalina watched in amusement before turning back to me. She frowned at the crying baby in arms then proceeded to glare at me as if I had done something to him. I tore my gaze away from her as she started to stroll toward us. I sighed at his reddened face, " Why can't you be happy like your sister? Why do you hate me? "

He cried even harder, trying to kick his chunky feet in my face. I was certain he had made it his first life mission to make mine miserable. He was after all his stupid father's son. I wouldn't even be surprised if Nicholas taught him this.

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