14. deja vu

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Eden Salvatore

Nicholas beat the shit out of the man who led the attack. By the time I got to the head quarter, he was unrecognizable and was bleeding to death. If he thought he was going to get away after attacking the Don's wife and daughter, he had another thing coming. He messed with the wrong family.

I hummed curses under breath as I stitched his wounds. I could feel Nico's glare at the back of my head. He couldn't seriously want the man to live a long painful life but kept stabbing holes into him.

" What's your name? Who sent you? " I asked calmly.

" Fuck off, you piece of shit. " he hissed.

Nicholas punched him in his throat. He coughed out blood and ripped the stitch in the process. I sighed. Fucking hell.

" Are you after the princess? " I wiped the blood off of his stupid face.

" Yes. Meeting Don Nicholas Salvatore's wife and daughter was just a bonus. " he grinned through his red teeth.

He clearly hated life. Dumb fucker. I mentally sighed when Nico loaded his gun and pressed it against his throat.

I wanted to get the hell out of here. I wanted to know if the disappointment who called themselves doctors had managed to save my wife. I would never trust any of them with such operation, not when her life was in their hands. I wanted to stay and do the surgery myself but fuck the feeling of her blood on my hand made my skin crawled . I felt my breath struggling to come out of my lungs when I carried her lifeless body.

She was the duty I needed to protect and I failed. I always hated failing.

" Did you start the party without me again? " Elliot glared as he walked into the room.

" How is she? " I asked, taking off my gloves.

" Alive and beautiful as always. " he smirked.

" Who did the surgery? " so I knew which one to murder if they failed me.

" One of your little bitches. " Elliot shrugged, unbuttoning his cuffs before rolling the sleeves up to his elbows.

Nicholas and I took a step back and stood at the corner of the room as Elliot replaced us. He was the most psychopathic interrogator out of the three of us so might as well let him do his job. We watched in anticipation when he stalked toward the man and yanked him out of the chair. He snapped his head toward me and I sighed.

I tilted my head up, gesturing Thane to bring in the tank that we called Elliot's special. With a smirk on his face, he shoved his free hand into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a silver lighter before dropping it inside the tank. Holding the collar of the shooter's shirt he yanked him again and dipped his head forward to let him have a peak at what was coming.

I got deja vu, watching the scene before my eyes. A small scoff escaped my throat as Elliot started dunking the man's head into the gasoline tank.

Might as well burn him alive and get it over with.

" I bet that felt like burning hell, a test before I send you to literal hell. " he grinned, taking the man's head out of the gasoline.

" I heard you went after my family. Do you know what happened to those who messed with us? Spoiler alert, they died. " he chuckled as the man screamed in pain.

By the burning flesh on his face, I could tell it was a partial thickness burns. The fire might have gone through the second layer of his skin or in doctor language, epidermis and dermis. His whole head was red and the breaking blisters were starting to bleed. It looked painful, I almost felt bad for him. That might take at least three weeks to heal, if he got out of here alive.

" I asked you a fucking question. " Elliot barked but didn't give him a chance to answer when he started dunking him back inside.

I sighed, taking a seat on the chair Thane brought in for us. This might take awhile.

We went from drowning to shoving coal into his throat in a matter of twenty minutes. The bastard still didn't utter a fucking name, not even an alphabet. I could tell he was getting on Elliot's nerves when my twin brother started shoving more coals down his throat. It was when Nicholas stood up and started naming his family members that he finally told us a name.

To say that I was pissed was an understatement. My blood was fucking boiling. I chuckled bitterly, muttering the name under my breath. My finger twitched as I reached over my pocket and pulled out a dagger, wrapping my fingers around the sharpened blade I could almost feel the taste of blood lingering on my tongue and its warm sensation on my hand.

I tore the bastard's throat out and left.

The hospital was wrecked into pieces. Doctors and nurses were running around the place trying to calm the terrified patients. I ignored the policemen and their irritating siren and headed straight into the hospital. I owned the fucking place, I didn't need their permission to enter.

I almost turned back and got the hell out of this place when I opened the door and the first person I saw was Blaze Hasting. He sat at the end of the hospital bed, glaring daggers at something. I cocked an eyebrow at him before turning to see what was he looking at.

Zachary Hasting stood beside the headboard, next to a pale looking wife of mine. He stared at her adoringly as he fed her soup. Scoffing under my breath, I stalked inside the room. I brushed past the duke and stood in front of Adalina.

I scanned the monitor above her head before taking a closer look at her face. Small cuts from the shattered glass and one big gash under her chin, I felt my blood boiled all over again. I took the stethoscope from the counter and put it on to exam her heart. A brief of cool air rushed through my lungs the moment her soft heartbeats rang inside my ears.

Taking the side of her face into my palm, I breathed out. " You're still alive. "

" You almost sound disappointed, my prince. " she said, narrowing her eyes at my shirt.

" You have blood on you. " she pointed at my shirt.

" If someone think they can attack my wife and walk another day on earth, they're so fucking wrong. " I looked away, taking a step back.

It was my duty to protect her. I signed a bloody contract.

" Mama, I'm in love with a criminal. " Blaze gasped, clutching his heart dramatically.

Adalina looked like she wanted to say but didn't. I let out a sigh in relief. I wasn't in the mood to answer questions about my murder case. People had been getting on nerves all damn day.

But, Zachary on the other hand had another idea as he suddenly stepped forward, looking at me with stern eyes. I raised my eyebrow at him.

" You married a criminal? " he asked, tearing his gaze away from me to look at the princess.

" I did ask for a divorce. " I muttered.

Adalina glared at me before shrugging her shoulders.

" The whole royal family knew exactly what my family does and what I am when she married me. She did too. " I huffed in frustration.

"If he can kill and walk around with pride. It's only a matter of days that he will kill you too. "

" And, you're talking to a murderer so watch your fucking mouth. My wife knows I would have killed her a long time ago if I wanted to. "

Running a hand throw my hair, I huffed. " Mind your own fucking business. "

" What? Are you going to kill me too? " he asked.

" Yes. If you don't shut your fucking mouth. "

" Will you make it look like an accident too, your highness? You must be good at hiding it since you do it on a daily basis. " he rolled his eyes.

I cursed under my breath. He was an annoying motherfucker alright.

" No. I will make sure people know exactly how you died and who fucking did it. "

➺ ♕ ↞

A/N: who do you think is after her?

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