15. sly old fox

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Eden Salvatore

" You really thought you were fucking slick. Jesus Christ, old man. " I muttered, slamming his office door shut before walking in.

My grandfather threw his head back chuckling like he had really did something amazing. Glad to know someone was having the best time of their lives enjoying my bloody misery. He poured me a glass of apple juice then gestured me to sit down beside him on the couch.

" No alcohol for you. I'm not that cool and I'm getting old. " he slid the glass toward me.

" Grandpa, I'm an adult. " I huffed, sipping the juice.

" I know. I know. But, you're still my little boy. Oreos? " he smiled, handing me a package of double stuffed Oreos.

I narrowed my eyes at him but took the cookies anyways. " What do you want? Last time you gave me Oreos, you married me off to the crowned  princess of England. "

" Eden, I've been giving you cookies since your cheeks were pink and cute. Who do you think got you into it? " he chuckled.

Fuck. He was getting me off topic since before I could even start. Sly old fox. I mentally groaned while shoving the package into the pocket of my coat.

" The late King, my wife's grandfather is your golf partner since before I even existed. There's no war between our families. " I said.

" Oh. So, you found out. More Oreos? " he sighed, offering another package.

I glared.  " Grandpa. "

" Fine. There's no war. I lied. I'm sorry for wanting the best for my favorite grandson. " he sighed heavily. I cocked an eyebrow at him. Another lie.

" You were doing your best mate a favor. The throne is in danger and you want me to protect it along with the princess. And, stop lying we all know Elliot is your favorite grandson. "

He turned his head toward me and suddenly the playfulness was gone. Placing a hand on my shoulder, he sighed again. I straightened my body preparing for what he was about to tell me because when my grandfather wasn't playful, we knew he was about to talk some serious shits.

" The one after the throne, whoever they are they want the whole family dead. I can't let my friend die in vain like that. Dalton, your wife's grandfather and his family have been really great to the people in this country, especially us. He helped me when I was in needs. It's only right if I return the favor. "

" Whoever behind this wants power. You have to think about the bigger picture, if they get to the throne, innocent people will suffer and after the royal family we will be their next target. I made a home here in this country decades ago and I would very much like to keep it. "

I was in daze. I didn't know how to feel or think at the moment. Trapped in a marriage with the most annoying person I had ever met was bad but having the whole country and my whole family hanging on my shoulders was even worse.

I was just trying to be a pretty damn good doctor.

Why the fuck did I go to medical school anyways? A waste of fucking time. Should have bought a fucking cape and called myself a goddamn superman since I was going to solve the world's problem anyways.

" Why me? Why did you choose me? " I asked, rubbing my temples in frustration.

" Nicholas has his own family to responsible for. And, Elliot wouldn't have taken this seriously, not to mention he would have broken the princess's heart on the very first day. " he shrugged.

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