5. paris but un-romantic

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Adalina Salvatore

My husband was the biggest asshole, a fucking jerk. A cold heartless motherfucker who couldn't give a fuck about anyone else but himself. He could have won a Nobel prize for being the world number one jerk.

Boarding the jet alone was the first red flag I should have noticed but no, I chose to have some faith in him just to be left alone on a flight to my own honeymoon. It was pathetic.

The jerk didn't stop there, he had the audacity to leave me his money liked I was some gold digging whore who was after his stupid money. It hurt my pride as his wife and especially as a woman.

I owned a fucking country, I did not need his money.

" A little bird told me your husband left you on your honeymoon. It was truly the best news I heard today, your highness. " Blaze chuckled through the phone.

" You are an ass, your grace. That was a low blow. Men are all trash. " I pouted, rolling my eyes.

" I might be trash but I have class. Just because your husband is an ass doesn't mean everyone else is too. Now, tell me what are you going to do with him, princess? "

The side of my lips quirked up into a small smirk as I let out a giggle. The sly bastard thought he had won this but little did he know, I had other things coming for him because even the future king liked himself had weakness and I knew very well about the person who owned him, his mother.

I had called my mother in law, fake crying the moment the jet landed on the Paris ground telling her all about his little escape. By the sound of her voice from other line, I was almost sure she was as pissed as I was.

" You fucking manipulative evil bitch. " Blaze squealed into the phone, hurting my ear.

I laughed out loud as I twirled the champagne glass in my hand, admiring the famous tower from my hotel suite balcony in the thin layer of my silk robe. I had been waiting for him to come to me for the last three days and when he was finally here I would make sure I caused him a fucking stroke.

" He thought I was some gold digger after his money and so I became one. " I continued and Blaze let out another squeal.

" What the hell did you do now? " he asked excitedly.

" I bought us a castle just a little outside of London. Seven horses and seven cars for everyday of the week. " I said, sipping the golden liquor.

" I fucking love you, Adalina Grey. " he chuckled.

" Salvatore, Adalina Salvatore. " I smirked.

" Please, the man who gave you that name wouldn't even kiss you on your damn wedding day. " he scoffed.

My smirk turned upside down as a frown formed on lips. I set the glass down on the table, leaning my back into the chair I was sitting on. Letting out a huff, I glared into spaces as the painfully embarrassing memory came flushing back before my eyes.

He was so tall and handsome as hell standing there waiting for me in that black tux of his. The suit was specifically tailored just for him, it fit him so perfectly fine that I could not take my eyes off of his handsome figure. His blue eyes stood out as they flared like raging ocean storm past me, sending chills down my spine. He looked like a true prince, my asshole prince.

He had showed up to the wedding despite my doubts, at least physically. I knew mentally that jerk face was anywhere else but there because by the visible scowl on his face I could tell he was almost bored to death.

He didn't spare me a glance longer than three seconds liked most groom did to their bride. He just stood there lifeless and still looking ready to leave the place. He hated the wedding, let alone wanting to kiss me as the priest pronounced us man and wife.

It was insulting. No man had ever denied me. I was spoken about by the term of desirable siren. But, he acted like I was air, perhaps even the polluted kind. I felt like a fucking burnt potato standing by his side as he ignored my existence liked his life was depending on it.

But, god when he kissed me closing the distance between us, all air left me. I could feel my soul slowly faded away as our mouths collided in sync. Despite the burning wild fire of rage dancing inside my system, I could still feel butterflies fluttered across my stomach as lightning strike inside my bones.

He was a fucking fantastic kisser. And, with his ignorant nature I couldn't help wanting him even more.

" I got his name and I will have him too. " I whispered lowly.

" You sound scary. I'm scared. Bye. " Blaze said before hanging up the phone.

I sighed at the sight of Paris before letting out a huff. Watching the white snow fell in the most magical city of all time, I never had felt more alone. My marriage was a fucking disaster and my husband was more lifeless than a bloody statue.

Bare skin shimmered under the golden chandelier. Snow drizzling outside the window, making Paris a true wonder land. I was fast asleep, naked, wrapped between the warm duvet of the suite bed when he bursted into the room with a file in his hand clutched between his palm.

The sound of his boots stomping on the marble floor as he was rushing inside ended my slumber but it was his presence that woke me up. I leaned my back against the headboard with a lazy grin on my face as I watched him shook off his coat. Running a hand across his hair to get the snowflake off, he walked toward me, eyes never trailing below my face.

" Good morning, husband. " I cocked an eyebrow at him before standing up to greet him.

His eyes widened for a second as the duvet fell to the ground, leaving me bare naked in front of his eyes. With a small smirk playing on my lips, I walked up to him and kissed his cheek. Eden cleared his throat awkwardly, taking a step back before picking up my robe from the bed and threw it in my face.

A true gentleman, he was, but I couldn't help wanting to strangle him alive. I was his goddamn wife for god's sake.

Leaving me on a honeymoon was insulting enough and now this. I stood naked in front of him and without even saying a word, he had managed to make me feel like the most hideous creature on earth. I had never been more insecure in my life.

My fucking husband was broken beyond repaired.

Was I not good enough for him to look at? Perhaps did he have any problems with humans that I didn't know about?

" Sign this paper. I'm divorcing you. " he said, staring at me blankly.

Breathe in. Breathe out. He was a cold motherfucker but I could be colder and two could play this game. I wasn't going to let him win.

" Sweetheart, you're stuck with me. Forever. " I said, tapping his cheek before heading to the bathroom.

" Forever is bullshit. How about we stick to whenever, which is now. I can't be married to you. " he sighed, following behind me.

When I wanted him to be here with me, I was expecting a nice conversation so I could finally get to know each other. This was not what I expected. He had this blank expression on his face and eyes colder than ice as he murdered me with his gaze.

We sat in the living room having breakfast after I took a shower. He sat a few feet away from me on the couch opposite from mine. I glared as he shoved the paper in my face urging me to sign the bloody paperwork for the twentieth times.

" We're not divorcing. Never. I want you and I will get you. If you want to get rid of me, you will have to kill me. "

" Don't tempt me, princess. " he grunted lowly.

" I will always be your very own temptress, my prince. " I said, gazing into his eyes as he cursed under his breath.

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