29. meant to be

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Eden Salvatore

The duty was an enormously irritating pain in the ass. She was ruining my life, sitting there in her pretty dress with stupid little flowers on it. Rosy cheeks, pouty lips and all.

A book in her hands, she concentrated on the damn thing like it was going to be the one she read. Her back was against the glass window at the other end of the room. I had been watching her for the last hour.

What if it suddenly shattered and she fell down to the ground, breaking her neck in half. An embarrassing cause of death. I silently huffed to myself.

" Stop leaning on that damn window. " I finally said, looking at her blankly.

She sat straighter up, obviously startled by my voice but she never took her eyes off of the pages. " It's been here for hundred of years. Nothing had happened then so it won't now. "

I furrowed my eyebrows. " You do realize that you sound utterly stupid? "

" We're on the ground floor. I won't fall and die. You're interrupting me. " she frowned at her book.

" Fine. Break your damn neck. I don't care. " I grumbled, tearing my gaze away.

She didn't say anything after that. Silence dawned upon the room. I stared blankly at the laptop on my laps. Hundred of emails from the hospital was nothing but a bunch of jumbled mess before my eyes. I could barely make out each words let alone long passages about medical cases.

Distracted and annoyed, I was starting to lose my mind in this room. A hospital room was supposed to be nothing but white like a cold ghost hall but no the royalties must have their ways. There was paintings everywhere I turned and the designs on the wall were ridiculous. I felt like I was dying in a museum.

Glaring at the IV that was hooked to my arm, I debated snatching it out of my vein and getting the hell out of here until I remembered spending a very painful half an hour watching the nurse struggled to hook it in place under my gaze.

" You're in a very crappy mood. " she said. I snapped my head toward her once again.

Her eyes were still in the damn book and I scowled in annoyance. I had never wanted her attention more. The bastard must have hit me very hard.

Tearing my gaze away from her, I grumbled silently. " I'm a ray of fucking sunshine as always. "

" There's a bowl of Oreos on your left. "

I furrowed my eyebrows before slowly turning my head sideway. A purple bowl filled with my one true love sat on the top of the bedside table, looking so beautiful. I felt my heart skipped a beat.

I shifted my eyes back at her a few seconds later and stared at her face, unamused. " How long has it been there? " I scowled.

" Since I came in three hours ago. " she shrugged her shoulders casually.

" Why didn't you give it to me? "

" I was saving it for your crappiest mood. No offense but sick Eden is an annoying pain in the ass. "

My lips curled up into a small smile at her sharp remarks. She called me annoying.

" Now you know how I feel having to deal with you everyday. " I cocked an eyebrow at her.

" You weren't annoyed when your hands were up my shirt and down my pants two days ago. " she hummed in response.

" I believe I was on antihypertensive medications, propofol, fentanyl, midazolam, and the inhaled fluorinated ethers such as sevoflurane and desflurane. But, seriously what the fuck? " I furrowed my eyebrows at realization.

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