chapter 71

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Bad dreams

  Bad dreams

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Cold. It is really cold. Not in a temperature sense, but in a way that it was made you bone chill that something terrible was going to happen, horrific even.

I couldn't see much, only could make out the faint outline of trees and the rocky path that was underneath me. A forest, probably.

I could only see things out of the moonlight from the sky but, the moon felt like giant light that burned into your skin uncomfortably and it pained your eyes from how brightly it shone.

I didn't like this, not at all but I couldn't pull away when I heard the howling.

If you were far away from the creature roaring out this unpleasant sound, it may have just sounded like a wolf. If you were close, like I was, it was apparent it wasn't just a wolf but something more.

It commanded my attention, and drew me closer.

I let that natural pull guide me as surrender myself over to it as it brought me into a open area of the woods where there was less trees and more ground. It felt like a stage of sorts, seeing as there was a large rock that was flat on top possibly for one to stand on.

The howling seemed to stop as I stood there, but I couldn't walk any further. I was stuck at the opening and no matter how hard I pushed forward, I was cemented to the floor.

I my mouth felt tight and it was just my thoughts, no sound coming out from my lips like I wished it would. I was frozen and incapacitated in a bone-chilling place and the anxiety spilled through me like a rushing river.

I was afraid and I couldn't do anything about it in that moment.

That's when I saw what I was brought here for.

It stood there hooded and concealed in a all black cloak with a hidden face. Ominous and terrifying, it was all too familiar. It was like I was gazing back into Holland's eyes the day of the Quidditch game. It was pure evil that could not be contained.

I was just a audience member to a blood chilling show.

Three new figures walked in a straight line onto the rock in front of the figure. I knew these three people, James, Sirius and Remus in that order. But why are they here?

"James?" I called out again, hoping maybe they could hear me.

They didn't move, it was almost like they were entranced by something and were being controlled, like puppets.

"Sirius?" I yelled out as I punched at the non-existent barrier in front of me. It angered me that I couldn't do anything, this trapped feeling mixed with anger frustrated me and put my on edge that sort of edge that if you heard someone clap, you would jump back in surprise and fright.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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