chapter 7

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In a corridor

The next couple classes I had with Sirius, I just chose to ignore him and strictly do work

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The next couple classes I had with Sirius, I just chose to ignore him and strictly do work. Olivia and Remus had been seemingly getting closer which was sorta perfect. They just worked so well together, like dancers in sync.

I envied that. I always knew you shouldn't depend on others to be happy but, other people supplying you happiness was a nice feeling that I different often get. I never tried to seek out relationships or new friendships so, my sadness is my own fault but, whatever.

We all worked on our potion project. Unfortunately, I had to work on the essay its self with Sirius. The project was due in a week and I was nowhere near done with the paper.

"Hey V, how far are you on that paper?" I freeze. Uh oh.

"I um, I'm almost done actually." I say through a smile. Olivia walks over to my bag and pulls out the empty parchment.

"You liar, just do it. Stop listening to muggle music and get it done." I groan loudly and throw my head down on the table. I certainly wasn't going to ask Sirius for help, it was all me.

"We can do together today in my dorm. I don't have anything to do."

"More like anyone." I snicker. James hits my arm and I punch him back. Sirius rolls his eyes.

"How many times am I going to have to apologize for that? Besides, it's not my fault I get action and you don't." I burst out laughing, we all do. Sirius looks at us confused. "Oi, what are you going on about?" I just couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh nothing." I say sarcastically. I look over at Olivia and we both burst out laughing again. Sirius looks hurt but it's just too funny. "I don't need help with it, I'm going to do it today in the library." I say proudly. I was notorious for procrastinating so actually getting work done, was a proud moment.

"Why can't I help?"

"Because I don't need it. Plus, you don't do work. You just get distracted and I need to actually do this." He looks at me like an angry child. We drop the conversation and go back to brewing the potion.

When classes end for the day, I head to the library fast to hopefully get a table in the back. I set out all my things and got started. Remus should have done this, he's good at writing and editing. I could probably get him to edit actually.

I'm so lost in thought with writing I don't even notice the library doors swing open. Sirius plops himself down next to me and I look at him with concern.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper.

"Helping you do our paper of course." He says loudly. I hear madam Pince shush him loudly and we both pipe down.

"Didn't you get banned from the library?"

"You can't get banned, I'm just not allowed to do anymore pranks in here." He says sadly. I roll my eyes and keep on working. He continues to sit there and be unhelpful by whistling and him fiddling with my stuff.

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