chapter 25

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Chronicles of Snuffles

 Chronicles of Snuffles

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"Lily, I'm done."

"Vera, we've been here for 20 minutes."

"That's 20 minutes too long." I say slamming my head into the table. Lily had me studying everyday for weeks for the upcoming OWLS, I knew way more than I needed.

"Vera you need to pass or else you won't get a job." She adds sternly.

"Come on Lily, plenty of people don't pass and get good jobs." I add.

"But passing makes it easier." She says grabbing the book from my hand.

"Lily, this is sixth year stuff. I don't need to know this." Lily had been quizzing me on the great troll wars, as if I needed to know who all the commanders are.

"But it's better to be prepared, you never know what's going to be on that quiz." She says. I throw my head back down on the table this time, slamming it on a book.

"Hey you two." I hear someone as I pop my head up to see who it is.

"Oh Edmund, how nice to see you." Lily adds bumping my shoulder as if I hadn't already seen him.

"Hey Ed." I say with a smile.

"Hey Lily is it ok if I steal Vera for a little bit?" He asks. I sit there a tiny bit shocked. We hadn't really hung out in a while but hey, it's now or never. Lily smiles at me.

"Of course, just have her back by 10pm sharp." She says sternly waving her finger out to him. She quickly stifles a small laugh as she waves us off.

He grabs my hand as we bound down the hallway.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Anywhere, you looked bored so of course I had to get you out of there." He says with a wink. I can't help but smile at him as he pulls me farther and farther off the grounds, closer to the forest.

"Are you leading me to a cult meeting you're having with your Ravenclaw friends and I'm supposed to be the sacrifice?" He turns around and looks at me shocked.

"You have major trust issues. No, I'm not going to kill you or harm you in anyway, that's not my intention at least." He says with a smile.

"Not at least?!" I shout as he pulls me away back to the place we were not so long ago.

"This is place is starting to become a you and me place, I've never brought anyone her before." I say setting myself down on the swing.

"I feel special." He says handing me a caramel sweet. I take it in my hand and pop it in my mouth. He smiles at me as we sit there in silence. You could see over the black lack watching the water slowly ripple as gusts of air hit it.

"You ready for the OWLS?" He asks.

"Oh for sure, Lily's been filling my head with things that I don't even need to know." I say exasperatedly, throwing my head to the side of the rope. "How about you? Are you ready?" I ask. He turns and looks at me quickly and throws me a quick smile.

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