chapter 10

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Birthday time

A couple days had past, and it was almost my birthday

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A couple days had past, and it was almost my birthday. Olivia, Lily and James' and his friends all were throwing me a party I wasn't allowed to know any details about, lucky me. I liked to be in the know, so surprises were torture.

"Lily dear, tell me. What are we doing Saturday?" I ask slyly.

"Oh um," she says not looking up from her work. She catches onto what I'm ask and looks at me angrily, "Vera, I'm not going to tell you so don't ask." Lily was absolutely terrible at keeping small secrets it was so odd. She was like a vault nobody knew the code too when it came to major secrets but for the smaller ones, she would tell Filch is she pleased.

"Oh come on Lils, it's my freaking birthday and I don't know anything about!" I say throwing my arms in the air. Madam Pince comes around from the bookshelf she was just at and shushed both.

"Well, maybe it's because you can get to know later tomorrow during your party." She says quietly the angriness in her tone evident. I cross my arms dramatically.

"I can't wait a whole day! What if you throw me into a pit and I won't know?"

"Well then, wear clothes you don't care about." She says giving me a sarcastic smile. I throw my arms up and shake my head.

We make our way over to the great hall for dinner for the night sitting ourselves right by Olivia at the end of the table.

"Hey Liv." We greet her.

"Hey you two." She says picking at her food. Dinner was usually casual and we all just hung out as we ate.

"Hey so what are we doing tomorrow?" I ask calmly. Lily looks at me angrily.

"Vera stop asking or there will be nothing I promise you." She says sternly throwing a carrot at me. I catch the carrot and pop it into my mouth.

"Ok mom geez." We continue to eat and just talk about the day before heading back to our respected common rooms.

"Night Lils." Olivia and I say waving her off.

"Night you two." She says just before we part. We make our way back to our dorms, but it's a Friday and only 10 o'clock.

"Hey Liv." I say as she's getting her pajamas on.


"Wanna sneak down to the kitchens?" I mischievously.

"Sure." She says. I spring up from my bed and pull her towards the door. Every Hufflepuff knew where the kitchens were, it was like a house secret you had to earn. In first year, I had to find vinyls for the prefects for one of the seventh year parties and then, and got the location of the kitchen.

We get down to the kitchen and open the doors to see the elves hard at work. I've always sympathized for them, they work so hard with zero appreciation and yet they were abused.

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