72 - Josh Larkin ( BurntChip )

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" I have to go to Wooler, my... my dad, he either has 2 months to live or another 20 years, my mum doesn't know if he's going to make it, " I mutter towards him. 

" When are you leaving? " He asks me still holding onto me. 

" Tomorrow, " I mutter. 

And we haven't talked, well in person, since we kissed that day, and here I am hiding about to surprise Chip that I'm back in town. I've been gone for 7 months, and I've had a lot of time to think about everything. I talked to my mum and dad about the whole situation. Which my dad said some comments, if you're wondering my dad is doing a lot better now. Truly I don't even know what he had, but we're just happy that he's living and well. 

" That's how it was with your mum and me, " dad tells me. I just finished talking to Chip. 

" What do you mean? " I ask sitting next to him. 

" I was in love with your mum for years before her and I got together, " he chuckles smiling at the memories of him and her. They've been friends since childhood. But they didn't date until they were 21 and 20. They've been together ever since. 

" Dad... " I begin, he quickly cuts me off. 

" I'm not saying you're in love with him, I'm saying he's in love with you. Hear me out, before you become your mother. No man would ever worry about a woman that much if he didn't love her, the joy he has in his voice when you talk to him. That little chuckle he does, I was the same way with your mum all throughout our teens, but she never saw it. Now of course she did love me back, but she always said- "  

" He's my friend, " mum says cutting him off. " Baby I know you don't want to admit it, but it is clear he-" 

" Well obviously he loves me, I love him also. Come on we've been best friends since 2015, " I comment sharply cutting her off in the process. 

" It's clear he's in love with you, and I don't think.. sorry I know you don't want to admit that you're in love with him. But sooner or later it will be revealed. But not in some big gesture, you're just going to look at him one day... And realize you're in love with him."  she comments. 

You're in love with him. Damnit. 

" Turn your phone on silent! " Cal comments, I'm about to go on, focus girlie, focus! 

" I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Y/n is texting me like crazy, " Gib comments. 

" Why is Y/n texting you? " Chip asks. 

" Just cause and wishing me luck with the fight, and she sent me a picture, " he comments, showing him the picture of me with them in the background. 

" No fucking way, " he comments, he turns around to see me laughing. " NO FUCKING WAY! " He screams running towards me, and instantly picking me up and hugging me tightly. I just keep holding him, and he continues on hugging me tightly. He started kissing my neck.

" I missed you, " I mutter to him. 

" I missed you, " he whispers back to me. 

" Okay now stop hogging her, I want to hug her also, " Cal comments, he places me down and Cal hugs me. 

" How? How did... how? " Chip asks in full shock, which causes me to just start laughing. 

" We wanted to surprise you, " I tell him chuckling, which causes him to laugh. " Okay... now you boys get back to your podcast, I will still be here after the podcast, " I add. 

" But you're here now, " he comments grabbing a hold of me by the waist pulling me in close to me. Which only causes me to chuckle. 

" And you have something that your fans will want to have, so I have to go sit over there, " I tell him. I lean in and kiss his cheek just shaking my head as I walk away from them. 

Immediately after he was done he just walked up to me and hugged me again. As I said before we haven't seen each other in person in 7 months. I'm surprise it's not a little awkward between us, but I also think it's cause we haven't seen each other in 7 months, so all emotions are set to 100 currently. 

Him and I spent the rest of my day with him, just catching up and enjoying our time with each other. " How have the past 7 months been for you? " I ask him. 

" I've been thinking a lot, " he comments. I give him a nod. " We never talked about that kiss, " he adds. 

" Yeah... we never did, " I tell him. 

" Cal made me realize something, " he tells me, I give him a nod to continue. " The night you left, he came into my room to check on me. And we were talking and I told him that's the first time you and I ever kissed, " he adds. Oh shit... " And he told me that no it wasn't, and he said that we kissed before, why didn't you ever bring that up or let that affect our friendship? " He asks me. 

" I knew you probably wouldn't remember it, plus you definitely had alcohol in your system. And you also asked me would it affect us, and I said no because nothing could affect how we are. And when you didn't remember it I just kept it to myself thinking it would probably be best if you didn't, " I tell him. 

" Why did you think that? " He asks. 

" Because I knew I liked you at the time, and I knew you didn't feel the same way, " I comment. 

" Drunk actions are sober thoughts, " he tells me, I look at him in complete shock. " And I know you know that, but... I've been trying to force myself not to listen to my heart. And I can't anymore Y/n, I love you... I'm-I'm in love with you, " he adds. 

" I love you too Chip, " I tell him. He picks his head up to look at me. 

" You do? " He asks, I chuckle lightly and walk towards him and kiss him. And he quickly kisses me back. 

" I love you, " I whisper to him. 

" I love you too, " he whispers back to me. 

That was the start for us, and it was good. Of course we went through rough times, because we're in a relationship. But after 6 years we finally admitted our feelings for each other. 

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