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After we got Scorpio Slasher his ice cream, Billy insisted he needed to go to the am/pm. I had no idea why nor did Marcus, but Scorpio Slasher seemed to be super excited to go. They really need to let that dude out of his cage more.

We got to the shitty, old-looking store and Scorpio Slasher practically dragged Billy inside since Billy was dragging the Slasher around now instead of me. I was way too spooked after that stunt he pulled in the restaurant earlier, though i'd never admit to it. Since Marcus and I didn't have any business going into a store we didn't need anything from we waited outside, leaning on the store's graffiti covered windows.

"Ever wonder what happened to your life? How you ended up here?" Marcus asked trying to start up a conversation.

Lately all our conversations were about Chester or something relating to him. He'd been the only thing we could talk about since he became a problem. I was just as sick and tired of it as Marcus was, but I was hungry for that psycho's blood, it was all I could think about. Marcus on the other hand was desperate to have some sort of normal interaction with me. An interaction we would've had before I ever found out Chester was a thing.

"My life was tragic since the moment I was born, pretty boy. I was doomed from the second I came into existence." I dismissed him.

"We're walking around the mission with a serial killer on a leash. It can't get any worse this time." Marcus said.

"That's what I used to think every time something fucked up happened. Trust me, it can always get worse." I disagreed.

Marcus sighed a frustrated sigh before looking through the window we were leaning on, staring at Scorpio Slasher and Billy through it. He'd obviously given up on trying to start a conversation with a girl who's only interest at the moment was to kill a serial killer using a serial killer.

I felt a pang of guilt creep up on me. I'd been an asshole lately after all the bullshit about Chester. It wasn't fair to him. Chester ruined his childhood. Why should he get the opportunity to second-hand ruin the relationship he had with the person he was in love with?

"Alright, Arguello, I'll bite. You ever hear of the Red String?" I asked, finally putting some effort into having a conversation.

He looked back at me, a hint of happiness in his eyes making me smile.

"I've heard of red strings. I- I've seen clothing." He said stupidly.

I scoffed teasingly before explaining the concept to him.

"Many Japanese believe our relationships are predestined by a red string the gods tie to the pinkie fingers of people who find each other. It can never tangle or stretch, but it will break." I explained.

"How do you know so much about Japanese culture?" He asked.

"Being friends with Saya has its perks." I said vaguely.

He let out a little laugh as did I.

"Yeah, well, a lot of Americans believe in a sky god that helps them win football games." Marcus compared the two cultures, one sounding more absurd than the other.

"I'm aware. It's bullshit." I laughed.

"Yep." He laughed along with me.

"But myths come from somewhere." I suggested.

"Like some kind of core truth. Deep down, we know we don't choose this." He continued.

"Yeah, exactly." I agreed.

"Well, if that Japanese myth bullshit is real, then I want you to know you're my Red String." He said as he took a hold of my hand.

"Am I?" I teased.

"Yeah. Yeah, you are. You're the reason I had hope for the first time in a long time. You're my person." He smiled.

"You're so cheesy." I laughed as I bumped him with my shoulder.

"Fuck off." He laughed with me.

Just then, Billy and the Slasher stumbled out of the store. Billy was empty handed, I'm guessing he couldn't find what he was looking for. Slasher on the other hand had a half unwrapped chocolate donut in hand. As soon as Marcus and I laid eyes on them our happy expressions turned into annoyed ones. Not due to Billy of course, instead it was due to Scorpio Slasher.

"Wow. I forgot about the almighty That's What. Yummy as the bartering of bleeding teenage lovers. We choose, and we don't, like the two of us. Our brains can't make sense of death from randomness of being the sole family survivor due to pure luck. We overcome it by creating a purpose that allows us to avoid feeling pain. Well, I mean, at least that's how it is for me and Marcus." The Slasher said, obviously referring to our conversation he was eavesdropping on I'm assuming before taking a bite out of his donut.

"Will you stop with the comparison bullshit?" Marcus asked, clearly fed up.

"Where we differ is that I try to destroy society while you seek justice to make sense of Mommy and Daddy being taken from you." Scorpio Slasher said as he stepped closer to Marcus.

"Don't bring my parents into this, freak." Marcus got in his face letting go of my hand in the process, suddenly very defensive and intimidating.

"Fixing the injustice of your parents' death- that's what you're doing to keep from going crazy." Slasher said as he got closer to Marcus.

I could tell he was trying to get a rise out of my boyfriend. Slasher looked unbothered, then again he always did while insulting people. He took bites out of his donut like this conversation was the least interesting thing in the world to him while Marcus looked like he would kill him if he could. Billy pulled back on the Slasher's leash a bit, trying to prevent something serious from happening.

"Yeah? Maybe I am crazy." Marcus suggested.

"Enough to kill Ronald Reagan?" Slasher asked with his mouth full.

"Goddamn right." Marcus said intimidatingly.

"But it's not just Reagan. The wealthy backed him and set loose the chaos of the insane to save money. Mommy and Daddy died so the rich people could save a couple of bucks on their taxes." Slasher teased Marcus condescendingly.

"And they'll pay, too." Marcus said.

"Look at us- psycho peas in a pod." Slasher insulted him.

Marcus stepped forward about to throw a punch at the Slasher. Billy and I recognized it quickly and did what we could to prevent an unnecessary fight from breaking out. I grabbed both of Marcus's arms, pulling him back. Billy tugged on Scorpio Slasher's leash, making him stumble backwards a couple feet. I kept my hand on Marcus's arm, ready to stop him in case he got any ideas again. Slasher smiled at the reaction he got out of Marcus from afar.

"There he is." Slasher pointed to Marcus.

Marcus looked back at him with looks that could kill along with me. I hated that this was the best, if not only fucking option. If he pushes me any further I'll kill him after he kills Chester.

"What say we go find Mr. Face?" Slasher said, throwing his donut wrapper on the floor.

He walked forward, I'm guessing leading the way to where he thought Chester may be. Psychos know how other psychos think and all.

"Give me a little slack, motherfucker. I'm in the city." The Slasher turned back to Billy and said within a couple seconds.

Billy let go of the leash a bit, making Slasher feel more free, and maybe this whole scene look less kinky. Who am I kidding, this was going to look kinky no matter how you put it.

I can't Hurt You - Marcus Lopez ArguelloWhere stories live. Discover now