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Jordan pulls into his mom's driveway a little after noon. He tries not to look over at Morgan's house but he can't help it. Her car is at home, which means more than likely she's at home. He can't go straight over to her house though. Then it looks like he came all this way to see her instead of his mom.

Jordan knocks on his mom's door first. But she doesn't answer, so he uses his key. "Mom. Mom you home?" No answer. He looks from room to room, not finding her. He checks the garage and her car is gone. Perfect, he thinks. Jordan thinks about calling her cell but then has a better idea. He'll go next door and ask Morgan if she knows where his mom might be.

Jordan nervously walks the few steps from his mom's to Morgan's house. He rings the bell and waits. After what seems like too long, he rings the bell again. This time he hears her yell "I'm coming, hold your damn horses." When the door swings open Jordan's taken aback at how beautiful she looks. She's in her robe, water droplets on her legs and feet. She's got her hair pinned up on top of her head. She'd obviously just gotten out of the shower. His thoughts turn extremely dirty. He wants to go through that glass door and take her right there in the foyer.

"Jordan? What're you doing here?" She looks shocked to see him on the other side of her door. But she pushes the glass door open anyway and invites him in. "Come in. Is everything okay?"

"Oh yeah everything's fine. I was just wondering if you might know where my mom is. I came in to surprise her and she's not at home." Jordan looks down at her legs, her robe is pretty short and he can see her muscular thighs. Morgan follows his line of vision down to her legs. "Make yourself at home while I go up and get dressed."

Jordan thinks of the possibilities of "making himself at home" at her house. He'd like to go upstairs and make himself at home in her bedroom. So he does.

Morgan is standing, naked, in front of her dresser when he pushes her door open. Her back is to him, but she can see him in her mirror. "Jordan what do you think you're doing?" She doesn't attempt to cover herself up though. She just watches his reflection in her mirror.

Jordan feels the heat rushing down. He grows hard as the blood fills his cock. "I'm making myself at home like you told me too." He adjusts himself, drawing her attention down to his obviously erect dick. He watches her lick her lips ever so slightly. God does she want this as badly as I do? Jordan wonders.

Morgan's eyes return to his face. "You know this isn't what I meant by that." Her hand slides across her flat stomach and then slowly up to her breast. Jordan almost loses it when he sees her touch herself like that. "Holy shit Morg." His rubs his cock through his pants. Her head turns slightly to the side, like she's trying understand what he's doing.

Jordan stops rubbing himself and unbuttons his pants then very slowly pulls down on his zipper. He waits for Morgan to say something, to tell him to stop. But she doesn't, she watches him intently. Jordan lets his pants fall to the floor, then he pulls his shirt over his head. He kicks off his shoes and steps out of his pants. Still, she doesn't say anything, so he pushes his boxer briefs down and steps out of them as well. Now he's as naked as she is. They stare at each other for the longest time. Until she finally crooks her finger and beckons him to come to her. Which he does, without a second thought or hesitation.

They never take their eyes off each other in the mirror. He wraps his arms around her and runs his hands up to her breasts. He gently squeezes, then pinches her already hard nipples. She moans and closes her eyes. The sound of her moan makes his dick harder, which he didn't think would have been possible. Morgan reaches back and wraps her hand around his massive erection. She strokes him up and down a few times, then she abruptly turns and faces him.

"Jordan? Jordan? What are you doing here?" Jordan's ripped out of his fantasy by Morgan yelling at him. And from the look on her face it's not the first time she's asked him this. "Sorry Morg. I was coming by to see if you knew where my mom was."

Morgan looks at him like he's crazy. "Yeah she's out of town this weekend, with Allison and Sharon. What are you doing here, in Dorchester?"

"Oh I just came up to see mom. I wanted to surprise her." He shrugs, "How's the wedding planning coming?"

Morgan isn't really sure how she feels talking to Jordan about her wedding plans. "Jordan, do you really want to know about my wedding plans?"

"No, not really. But I would like to talk to you about something. Can I come in?" Jordan fears she'll say no and he'll have to confess his feelings right here on her front porch.

"Yeah, sorry, come in. I was about to make some lunch, you hungry?" Before he can answer she heads into the kitchen. Jordan follows her. Morgan starts pulling things out to make a sandwich, she makes two, one for each of them. She puts chips on the plates. Grabs napkins and each of them something to drink and she sits at the little kitchen table. Jordan stands at the kitchen island watching her. Thinking about how much he wants this to be his life.

"Jordan, come sit down. What the hell is wrong with you today? You are acting so strange. Sit. Eat. Talk."

Jordan moves over to the table and sits across from her. He picks up his sandwich and takes a bite. He chews slowly and swallows. He takes a drink of his tea. Then he just says what he wants to say. Kind of.

"Don't marry Jesse. Marry me."

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