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There's another round of shots at the table when Morgan and Jesse walk up. Jordan even got one for Jesse. How thoughtful. Morgan thinks.

Morgan introduces Jesse and Jordan and they both pretend they haven't already met and had words. This time Jesse does shake his hand. "I've heard a lot about you Jordan. Wasn't sure I'd ever actually meet you though."

"Yeah I've done my best to stay away. I know I caused a lot of hurt in the past but I'm hoping we can all find a way to move past that this week. I really miss coming home to see my mom. She's done good coming to see me over the years, but she's getting older and I think it would be easier for her if I came home to see her from now on. I just want to make sure Morgan is okay with that."

Jesse looks confused. "Why would Morgan have an issue with you coming to see your mom?"

Morgan keeps her eyes on Jordan as she answers, "Because she lives next door to us, babe." Jordan raises his eyebrows,  he hadn't known Morgan was living with this guy. He'd heard from mutual friends that she had a boyfriend and that she was happy, but not that he lived with her.

"Wait, Marlene from next door, the woman you call your second mother, is Jordan's mother?"

"Babe, I told you that. Didn't I?"

"No. I'm pretty sure I'd remember that. Jordan you've got a wonderful woman as a mom. I mean the way she's been there for Morgan is simply amazing." Jesse kisses Morgan on the cheek because he knows how much she loves Marlene. And he knows how good she's been to Morgan since she lost her mother. He just thinks it's a little odd that she is her ex's mom. Not that it matters really. Marlene has always been so nice to him as well. She's treated Jesse just like a member of the family. He's grown to really love her.

"So Jordan how long you planning to stick around?" Morgan asks as she goes to sit next to Jesse. He redirects her to sit on his lap instead of next to him. Which she's more than happy to do. She wants to make it very clear to Jordan that she is taken, even though she almost kissed him earlier. She doesn't want there to be any misconception about her relationship with Jesse.

"I'll probably stick around for a couple days after the wedding. Make sure I get to see the whole family while I'm here." He does his best to hide the jealousy he's feeling inside. He knew it would be hard seeing Morgan again after all these years. He's not sure what he'd expected, but her living with this new guy wasn't it. Seeing her so happy with this guy cuts Jordan deep. "I haven't seen my siblings in a while. Only Sharon, when she'd travel with mom. I'm hoping we can all get together for a family dinner."

"I know they'd all really love that Jordan. They all miss you." Her eyes meet his and they both smile. They just stare at each other for the longest time.

"Who's ready for more shots?" Donnie asks trying his best to break the awkwardness. Donnie waves the waitress over and orders two more rounds for everyone.

Drinks flow and good times are had. Morgan and Amy dance until their music is interrupted by a slow song. The DJ announces that its at the request of the groom, who wants to share a dance with his best girl. As Donnie takes his wife-to-be into his arms, Morgan walks off the dance floor. The song playing is "Love of a Lifetime" by Firehouse. Its been Donnie and Amy's song since they started dating. Jesse pulls Morgan into his arms and twirls her back onto the dance floor. He holds her close to him. He whispers I love yous into her ear. He kisses her cheek, then her lips lightly. As the song comes to an end, Jesse excuses himself to the restroom. 

As Morgan walks backwards off the floor she can't take her eyes off her best friends. They are so happy and in love. When she turns around she comes face to face with Jordan. "Dance with me?" She hears their song begin playing next, "Angel Eyes" by Jeff Healey.

"I don't think so Jordan. That wouldn't be okay. Did you ask them to play this song? Whats your agenda here Jordan?" She feels her anger rising back up inside of her. Definitely feeling empowered by all those shots.

"Hey no agenda. Just wanted to dance with you. I thought this was the only song you'd be willing to dance with me to. Please Morg just one dance. Its been years since I had a decent dance partner." Jordan pleads with her. His hand outstretched to her.

Reluctantly she takes his hand. He walks her out to her middle of the dance floor and pulls her against him. He doesn't hold her tight, his arms are actually relaxed around her. Their bodies touch, but just barely. He keeps it completely PG. He tries to make small talk. She only gives him short answers. He gives up talking to her. He just holds her and moves her around the floor. "Listen Morg, I want you to know how sorry I am. I never wanted to hurt you."

Morgan cuts him off before he can say anything else. "Not here Jordan. Please. Not here and not now. I'm not ready for this conversation. If you still want to, after the wedding we can talk."

He looks down at her and he sees it in her eyes, she's being sincere. "Okay, after the wedding." He leans down as the song ends and kisses her on the cheek. "Thanks for the dance Morg. By the way, you look amazing tonight." He lets go of her and walks off the dance floor. She turns to watch him go. She sees Jesse looking at her. She smiles at him as she walks off the dance floor to him. "You ready to go home babe?" He's surprised, she seems to be handling seeing Jordan better than anyone thought she would. "Yeah let's go get you out of that dress, it looks so terribly uncomfortable."

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