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"Morgan are you in here?"

Amy hears a sniffle coming from the last stall in the restroom. "Mor, are you okay? Open the door and talk to me."

The stall door opens and Morgan is wiping her tears off her cheeks. "I'm fine. I just wasn't prepared to see him, like that. I was expecting to see him when I found you and Donnie. I figured if I was with you and Donnie you'd help me be strong. But instead he steps out of a crowd and says my name. I so wasn't ready for that. His voice alone broke my heart again. And when I turned around and saw that face, those eyes and dear God those lips it took all my self control not to run to him and throw my arms around his neck. Then he spoke again and I wanted to punch him in the face. Why does he still have such a crazy effect on me Aim?"

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. I don't know, maybe it was just the shock of seeing him for the first time in five years. But you've moved on with your life and found someone better. Just don't let him being here get to you. Maybe it was a mistake asking him to be Donnie's best man. I'll talk to Donnie, we'll figure something out to get him to leave. I don't want you to go back..."

Morgan looks at Amy, "Amy, I'm not going to go back to how I was after we broke up. I promise, I'm fine. I'll go to a meeting or call my sponsor if I need to. I won't let this break me. Please believe me. And don't have Donnie send him away. That's not fair to him. Jordan's his best friend and he's already kept him away long enough. I've got to get past what happened and find some closure with Jordan. If I don't how will I ever truly be happy with Jesse?"

Amy is worried about her best friend. Jordan destroyed Morgan. It's taken her years to get her life back together, but she's done it. She pulled herself out of her self destructive behavior and built a new life for herself. Amy doesn't want Jordan to send Morgan back into that lifestyle. She wants to believe Morgan will be okay, that she won't allow anything to make her relapse. Amy knows Morgan loves Jesse, but she also knows its nothing like what she had with Jordan. Morgan began and ended with Jordan, Jordan began and ended with Morgan. That's why it came as such a shock to everyone that Jordan did what he did. Amy agrees that Morgan does need to get closure and finally move on.

"You're right Mor, you need closure. Get that while he's here. Then leave that shithead far behind. Now fix your face and let's go party."

Morgan laughs, feeling much better and knowing exactly what she has to do. She's got new strength to talk to Jordan and finally say everything she's needed to say since he broke her heart. Maybe not tonight, tonight she's going to party with her best friend on her last night as a single woman. "Let's fucking go!!"

Donnie looks nervous when Amy and Morgan walk over to him. "You okay Morgan? Do I need to find another best man?"

"No Donnie, I'm fine. I promise this is a good thing. I need closure and I plan on getting just that. Now let's fucking party." Donnie grabs her up in a bear hug and kisses her on the cheek as he sits her feet back on the ground. "I love you Morgan!!"

"Love you too Donnie!"

"Hey who wants a shot?" Jordan asks as he walks up with four shots in his hands.

Morgan turns around, "Hell yes, shots!" She takes a shot from Jordan. He hands Donnie one and then Amy one. They all raise their glasses and Jordan says, "To old friends. Finally all together again. The fearsome foursome." Morgan looks at Amy and rolls her eyes. They all klink glasses and take their shot. Morgan sits her glass down and shouts over the music to Amy, "I'm going to go find Jesse, I'll be right back." As she walks past Jordan he takes her by the hand. Electricity shoots up her arm from where he touches her. She stops and looks down at their hands. Her eyes slowly move up his forearm to his muscular bicep, to his neck, she pauses at the spot that drove him crazy when she would kiss it, finally her eyes find his lips then up to land on those sexy eyes. She can't speak immediately. They just stare into each other's eyes. He pulls her hand causing her to lean towards him, his lips are so close to her ear she can feel his breath as he speaks. "I really need to talk to you. But only if you're okay with that. I know I have no right to ask you for anything, but I'm asking for this. Just a few minutes of your time."

Morgan's eyes close. His scent is intoxicating to her. She turns her face towards him, her lips are almost touching his now. "Okay. But not here, let's go somewhere quieter." She begins to lean towards him. She wants to feel his lips on hers. She wants to see if kissing him is really as amazing as she remembers. Just as his lips graze hers, her eyes pop open and she takes a step back. "Oh my God...I'm so sorry. I have to go. That talk will have to wait." Then she's gone. What the fuck is wrong with me? Did I really just almost kiss him? Yes I did. Why? What is going on? I hate him. Get it together Morgan.

When she finally finds Jesse she couldn't be more relieved. She grabs him by his shirt and pulls him in for a knee weakening kiss. "Hey babe, where have you been?"

"I went to the bathroom and then Amy came in and we got to talking. Come on let's get back over to the bride and groom's table. Its almost time for toasts. And as the maid of honor I've got to make a toast."

"Is Jordan going to be over there?" Jesse asks with a worried look on his face.

"Yes babe, he is the best man. But it's okay. I'm fine!! Everyone needs to stop treating me like I'm going to break. It's time for me to get over this bullshit. And I need support from you to do that. So just support me okay?" Jesse can see in her eyes that she needs his support. So he'll do whatever she needs him to, even if that means supporting her decision to make "nice" with the man who hurt her so badly. "Okay babe, let's do this. I'll support you in whatever you want to do. I'll even be nice."

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