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Three days later, Morgan still can't stop thinking about what happened with her and Jordan. She knows he's still in town but she hasn't spoken to him again since that day. She caught a glimpse of him going into Marlene's house yesterday, but that's been it.

Scenes of their time together keeps flashing into her mind. She can't get it to stop. The more she thinks about it, the more guilty she feels. She needs to go talk to Jordan. Let him know she understands why he did what he did. Let him know she doesn't hate him. Let him know she more or less forgives him.

Before she has a chance to go to him, he's knocking on her door. "Jordan? Is your mom okay?"

He smiles at how sweet she is. "Yeah, mom's fine. She's having a family get-together Saturday and she told me to come over and invite you and Jesse."

"Would you like to come in?"

Jordan looks surprised. "Yeah that'd be nice. I haven't been in your mom's house in years." Jordan is greeted by a big picture of Morgan's beautiful mother when he walks in. He can't help but smile when he looks at her. She was such a kind soul. He'd missed her a lot over the years. "Mom loved you so much J. She always said you were the son she never had." Morgan reaches out and touches his arm.

"Morgan, I really wish I'd done things differently back then. I've always been so ashamed of myself." Jordan takes her hand and squeezes it. "I better get back over to mom's. Can I tell her you'll both be there?"

"Yeah, we'll be there. Jordan, about the other day." She looks down at her hands.

"Morg, I'm not going to say I regret it, because I could never regret kissing you again. But I know and understand that it was wrong. We shouldn't have gotten carried away. Does Jesse know?"

Morgan looks up at Jordan. "Oh God no. And I don't want him to know. I know I should tell him, but I don't want to hurt him. It doesn't change things between us."

Jordan nods, "Yeah I guess you're right. It doesn't change anything. But it sure was nice." Her eyes widened in surprise. When she looks up at his face he's smiling and gives her a wink. This makes her smile. "My lips are sealed Morg. I'm just happy you can look at me and smile again. Who knows maybe this could be the start of a beautiful friendship." He leans down and places a soft kiss on her cheek. He lingers there with his lips barely touching her skin before he turns to leave. "See you guys Saturday."

Morgan touches her cheek where his lips had just been. She smiles and says, to herself, "See you Saturday."

By the time Saturday rolls around Morgan's excited about going over to Marlene's. Amy and Donnie will be there, just back from their honeymoon. Morgan can't wait to hear all about it. Morgan goes over before Jesse and Amy grabs her as soon as she walks in the door.

"Morgan!! Come here, we have to talk really quick." She pulls her off into the downstairs bathroom.

"Amy! Oh my God, slow down. What's the emergency?" Morgan laughs at her best friend.

Jesse looks for Morgan as soon as he walks in. He sees her standing in the kitchen, with her back to him. She's looking out the back window into the backyard. He can see Jordan with Donnie, on the back porch. She's looking in his direction. Jesse walks up and slips his arms around her waist. "Hey babe. Damn you look good from behind. Have I told you how much I love this fine ass of yours?" He bumps his crotch against her ass and makes a "mmmhmmm" sound. She yanks his arms away and turns to face him. Its not Morgan. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I thought you were my girlfriend." Not only does this girl look just like Morgan from behind, the resemblance from the front is uncanny. "Wow. You could almost be her twin." He shakes his head. "Hi, I'm Jesse."

The Morgan doppelganger smiles at him, "Its okay, you must be talking about Morgan. I've heard we look alike about ten times today. I'm Abby. I can't wait to meet this Morgan." She offers him her hand. Jesse takes it and lightly shakes it.

"Nice to meet you Abby. So you don't know Morgan? You're not some long lost relative or something?" He laughs, staring at this Abby.

"No. I haven't met her yet. I'm Jordan's girlfriend from New York. I just got here today, so I've barely met any of his friends or family."

Jesse looks around, wondering where the hell Morgan is. He meets Jordan's eyes through the window. Jordan waves, Jesse waves back. Jordan comes inside to say hello. "Hey Jesse, good to see you man. Glad you could make it. Morg with you?" Jordan doesn't acknowledge Abby at all. Even when she wraps her arm around his bicep. He just continues to look around, presumably for Morgan. "So Jordan, Abby here was just introducing herself to me. She said she just got here today, from New York. How long will you be staying in Boston Abby?"

Jordan looks at Jesse. He can see the questions in his eyes. Jordan guesses that Jesse, of course sees the resemblance between Morgan and Abby. He also guesses he's wondering why Jordan hadn't mentioned having a girlfriend back in New York. "I'm not really sure how long I'll stay. Honestly I wasn't really invited. I kind of surprised Jordan this morning. Last night he called me and told me he was having to extend his trip a little longer. He sounded so sad not to be able to come home. I thought I'd cry when he confessed how much he missed me. So I  drove up first thing this morning. I just had to see him. I've missed this sexy hunk of mine." Jordan smiles, uncomfortably. Jesse smiles at Abby, then at Jordan.

"Well I'm sure he couldn't be happier to see you to Abby."

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