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Jordan wants to trust her, he really does. He's just not sure he can. Why would she be sneaking around hanging out with her ex? Why would she lay in bed and text her ex instead of making love to him? So many signs point to her cheating on him.

"Jordan I believe you and what you're telling me happened with Abby. Because I don't think you'd lie to me. I trust you. Why can't you trust me?"

Jordan pulls out his phone and shows her the pictures from Abby. "These are the pictures she plans to send you, maybe more. Do you still believe me?"

Morgan takes a long look at the pictures. She feels sick to her stomach seeing her fiancé naked with two other women. But he's told her he doesn't even remember any of this. Morgan's heart knows him, she knows him, and she knows he'd never hurt her on purpose again. "I still believe you J. And I'm asking you, no I'm begging you to just believe me."

"I love you Morg. More than anything else in the world. And I want to believe you, I really do."

"But?" Morgan's voice is soft just above a whisper.

Jordan shakes his head. "Nothing. I believe you. If you say there's nothing going on with you and Jesse then I guess I'll have to believe you. But I still think I deserve an explanation. I think you should tell me why you've been hanging out with him. We're getting married in two months. I don't want to get married with any secrets between us." He stands up to go. "So you decide Morgan."

She can't believe he's saying this. "So if I don't tell you we don't get married? Is that really what you're saying?"

He takes a deep breath, "Just tell me Morgan. If its nothing bad then why can't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry but I can't Jordan. Not today anyway. You'll just have to trust me. Now let's go check on our best friends." She reaches for his hand and he reluctantly takes it. He decides to let it go for now, today he wants to focus on the little miracle happening two floors above them.

When they get to Amy's floor the nurse tells them they'll have to wait in the waiting room. Amy's labor was quick and she's having the baby now. They sit quietly. Neither of them knowing what to say. Jordan gives in and takes her hand in his. "I can't believe Donnie's going to be a Dad after today. Sometimes I forget we aren't teenagers anymore. I forget we've all grown up. When I look at you I still see that young beauty I fell in love with all those years ago. And I still get so excited every time you walk into a room. You are a part of me Morgan. I need you to be whole. I'm sorry I was such an ass earlier. I trust you with my life. Of course I'd like to know everything that's going on but if you say it's nothing for me to worry about, then I won't worry. I love you Morg."

She squeezes his hand. "Thank you babe. I love you too."

Donnie comes out to find them about fifteen minutes later. "Hey you two come meet your God son."

When Jordan holds his God son he feels this new desire inside of him. A desire to be a father. He's never felt anything like it before. He looks up at Morgan and pictures of him holding their child someday flash in his mind. He feels this overwhelming happiness at the thought.

There's a knock at the door a few minutes later. When Jesse pokes his head in the door Jordan's shocked. He can't believe the gall of this guy. When Donnie invites him to come in Jordan's even more shocked. Jesse looks thin and gaunt. Not at all like he looked when he was with Morgan, or even how he looked when Jordan saw the two of them together a few months ago.

No one mentions it. Jordan just stares at him. Unable to say anything. Donnie and Amy chat with him and show him the baby. Jesse whispers something to Morgan and she looks at Jordan. She looks back at Jesse and nods her head.

"Jordan can we speak in the hall for a second?" Jordan nods and follows him out.

"Jordan I wanted to tell you that there's nothing going on between me and Morgan. She's just being a good friend and helping me out with a few things."

Jordan stares at Jesse trying to figure this guy out. "What's she helping you out with?"

"Look man, all I want to say right now is she's just being my friend. I know this has to be hard for you but you're just going to have to trust us."

It pisses Jordan off that he won't be more honest with him. "I'm trying to, but you aren't making it easy."

Jesse grins at Jordan. "Sucks don't it. I'm sorry I'm not making things easier for you Jordan. Maybe you shouldn't have fucked my fiancée. Maybe you should have walked away when she was with me. I'm not ready to make things better for you. I'll say that nothing inappropriate is going on. You'll just have to trust her. And if you can't,  them let her go. I'd be more than happy to take her back."

Jordan is seething. He thinks he might hate this guy. Before he has a chance to say anything to Jesse though, Morgan opens the door and sticks her head out. "You guys okay out here?"

Jesse gives her his best smile. "Yeah Morg we're great. You okay to take me home?"

Morgan smiles back at him. "Yeah let me grab my purse."

Jesse smiles at Jordan. "Think about what I said Jordan."

Morgan walks back out and kisses Jordan quickly on the lips. "I'll be back after I drop Jesse off. I love you."

"I love you too."

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