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Morgan can't believe this. Why? Why is this happening? She doesn't want to marry Jordan.

So why is his the only face she sees when she pictures her wedding day?

She reasons with herself, it's only because of the sex. She loves Jesse. She wants to marry Jesse.

Once she ends things with Jordan and never sees him again then she won't think of him at all. It'll finally be over and life will go back to normal.

But what if it doesn't? What if she never stops thinking about Jordan? What if there's a reason she can't stop this thing with him. She stares at her wedding dress and knows what she's got to do.

She has to end it with Jordan. She has to go to his room and tell him it's over. Right now.

Amy's taking a shower so it's the perfect time to run up and say goodbye, again. Morgan jots down a quick note to Amy.


Needed some air, went for a walk.
Be back soon.


She grabs her key and heads up to break this thing off with Jordan. All the way up to his room she tells herself it's going to end anyway, now is better than later. Things will go back to normal once it's over. She'll go back to not thinking of him at all once she ends it. So that's what she's going to do, she's going to end it right now.

When Jordan opens the door Morgan pushes past him. "We can't do this anymore Jordan."

Jordan doesn't know what to say. He knew this would happen, but he's still not prepared for it. He just let's her say what she has to say.

"Jordan this is so wrong. I love Jesse. I truly do. And you being around, us doing this is confusing me. You blur my vision. You're making it hard for me to see what direction I'm going. And I keep veering off my right path down a very dangerous, very scary path. But God help me, it's amazing. I'm having a lot of fun on the more dangerous path. And I think that's only because I've only ever taken the safe path. Jesse is my safe path. He's kind and he's reliable. And he loves me, he'd never, ever hurt me."

Jordan interrupts her. "I love you Morgan. And I'd never hurt you again. I'm not that boy anymore. I'm not scared of the difficulties life brings. Stop judging the man I've become by the boy I used to be. See me for who I am now. I want to be with you. I want to be your safe path. I want to marry you. Morgan can't you feel how much I love you?"

She stares at him, speechless. He's right, he's no longer that boy she fell in love with all those years ago. He's a grown man now. And he still loves her. She can feel it everytime they're in the same room. She can always feel his presence and his love for her radiating off of him. It's unbearable at times. Or it was until she'd finally given in to her urges. Now she can't seem to get enough of it.

"Oh fuck it." She says as she rushes into his arms.

Tonight they take their time. They make love so sweetly and so slowly. It's overwhelming for them both. She cries when he tells her how much he loves her. And he cries when she finally confesses how much she loves him too. It's a beautiful, loving moment between the two of them. She doesn't want it to end. She doesn't want to go back to her life with Jesse. She wants to stay in New York and be with Jordan. Her heart begs her to stay. But she can't. When they orgasm together it breaks her heart because it's over. She begins to weep in his arms. "Again. I want you again Jordan. I don't want tonight to ever end."

He kisses her softly. "You can have me as many times as you want me. But I'm going to need a few minutes, that was pretty intense." He pulls her body tight against his. She runs her fingers along his chest and stomach muscles. Outlining each ab. Her hand dips down lower with each pass. Until she's running her finger around the head of his dick. This makes him shiver it feels so good. When he begins to get hard again she looks up into his soulful brown eyes. "Again?"

He smiles down at her as he rolls them over. "As you wish."

As always he feels absolutely amazing inside of her. He does things to her body no one else has ever done before. It almost feels like an out of body experience. It's phenomenal. At the height of her pleasure, just before she's about to come, she tells him, "I'm not going to marry Jesse. When I get home I'm going to end it. I love you J." Before he has a chance to even think about it she's crying out his name and he can feel her pulsating around him. It feels too good and he can't stop his release from happening too.

"Wow, that was amazing J. I don't think I can feel my legs." He laughs but really he can only think about one thing.

"Were you serious? Are you really going to end things with Jesse when you get home?"

"Yes. Isn't that what you want me to do?" She looks scared of what his answer might be.

"Well yes, but I want you to do it because it's what you want, not because it's what I want. If you choice Jesse I'm not going to be mad. I love you Morg, I only want you to be happy."

Before she can say anything there's a knock on the door. Without thinking about it Jordan wraps a towel around his waist and goes to opens the door. He regrets it immediately when he sees a very angry Amy standing on the other side of the door.

"Are you fucking kidding me Jordan? Where is she? Morgan!! Get your ass out here, now!!"

When Morgan comes into the room wrapped in only a bedsheet, Amy loses it. "Oh my God! Morgan have you lost your damn mind? What the fuck are you doing here with him? You bought your wedding dress today and tonight you're fucking this asshole? What about Jesse? Have you forgotten you have a fiancee that loves you? This will crush him. Jordan you're a real piece of shit, you know that? Just wait until Donnie hears about this. Morgan get dressed. You've got ten minutes to get back to our room." Amy turns and storms out of the room.

When Jordan turns to Morgan he sees it all over her face, regret. She's rethinking her decision and he feels like he's about to lose her. "Morgan it's okay. Don't let her upset you. It's still me. The me you love and want to be with." He tries to pull her into his arms but she pulls away.

"Jordan don't. I need some space. I need to think. And I can't think with you touching me." Morgan goes into the bedroom and closes the door. When she comes back out she's dressed. "Jordan I'm sorry but I've got to go. Thank you for everything. I promise we'll talk soon. I just need to figure things out."

"Morgan please just remember I love you."

Morgan opens the door but turns to him before she leaves him. "I love you too Jordan."

Again (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now