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After Jesse calls to say he made it safely and to chat a little about his flight and his schedule for the next day, Morgan decides tonight is all about taking care of herself.

Morgan's opened a bottle of her sweetest wine, puts on her face mask, and is trying to decide between music or a chick flick, when someone rings her doorbell. Morgan's surprised to see Abby when she opens the door. "Well hello Abby. What's going on?"

"Oh Morgan will you please save me from a night of endless boredom? I brought wine." She pulls her arm from behind her back and presents Morgan's favorite Moscato. Morgan smiles, "Well how could I ever say no to that? Good company and good wine. Please come on in.. Where's Jordan tonight?"

Abby smiles, reaching out to touch Morgan's face, "I think only you could still look beautiful with a purple face mask on." Morgan feels heat in her cheeks, she wonders if Abby's hitting on her, or just being friendly. "Jordan's having a boys night with some of his old friends. And I honestly felt very uncomfortable sitting alone with his mom. I think she hates me. So I thought I'd see what you were up too."

"Well you are always welcomed here. So let's put this on ice, I've just opened another bottle. You pick out a movie while I wash my face." When Morgan comes back down to the living room Abby has both their glasses of wine sitting on the coffee table and has put in a movie for them to watch. As soon as Morgan sits down Abby hits play on the remote. "Wild Things" begins and Morgan glances at Abby. She sips her wine and watches the movie.

When the movie gets to the scene where the guy has a threesome with the two girls Morgan can feel Abby looking at her. They've already finished one bottle of the wine and Abby's opened the second bottle. Morgan's not sure if it's the wine or the movie or Abby that's causing her to feel warm all over. "Are you blushing Morgan?" Morgan looks over to find Abby smiling at her. "Of course not, it's just the wine." Morgan turns to face Abby, putting her legs out between them, as a sort of barrier. "Tell me something Morgan, have you ever done anything like that before?" Morgan feels her face flush again. "What have a threesome?"

"Yes, have you ever had a threesome? Or just been with another woman?" Morgan looks down at her glass of wine. Suddenly feeling so unsure of how she's feeling. "No I've never had a threesome, or been with a woman. That night in the restroom with you is the closest I've been to another woman." Abby raises her eyebrows, "How did it feel, me touching you, my lips on yours?" Abby sits her wine glass on the table. She reaches over, taking Morgan's foot in her hand, massaging it seductively. "It was nice. I liked it I guess."

Morgan had liked how it made her feel that night. She'd wanted to explore those feelings more at the time. But now, in this moment she wasn't sure. That is until Abby moves her hands up her legs. "Oh sweetie, it can be so much better than nice." Her hands slide farther and farther up Morgan's legs. When she reaches her thighs, Abby gently pushes them apart. Abby continues moving her hands upward, her thumb brushes over Morgan's clit through her shorts, which causes Morgan to close her eyes as a quiet moan escapes her lips. Abby caresses her breasts over top of her tiny tank top. When Abby's hands reach Morgan's face, she also moves her body between her legs and lays on top of Morgan as she presses her lips to hers. It takes only a second for Morgan to respond to Abby.

Morgan is in sensation overload from the wine, Abby's lips on hers, Abby's hands on her bare skin, and the idea that she's doing something she's never done before that's a bit naughty. Her body is reacting to this woman's skilled touch. Abby pushes Morgan's shirt up and over her head, discarding it onto the floor. Her mouth is on her bare breasts, her tongue circles Morgan's nipple making it hard. Abby sucks, then gently nips on one nipple then the other. Morgan arches her back and moans. Just as Abby's hand pushes down past her shorts waistband, a voice interrupts them.

"Abby what the fuck are you doing?" Morgan's eyes fly open, Jordan is standing at the end of her couch, looking very angry. Abby moves off of Morgan and Morgan realizes she's topless. Jordan stares down at her. She covers her breasts with her hands and jumps up off the couch. "Oh God Jordan I'm...I'm so sorry." She turns and runs up the stairs. She shuts her bedroom door and stands with her back against it. She can hear Jordan yelling at Abby. "What did I fucking tell you? I made it very clear that Morgan was OFF LIMITS! Why didn't you listen to me? Why her? Why'd you have to try and fuck Morgan? Fuck Abby why? You've ruined everything, just go the fuck home." It's quiet for a few seconds then Abby speaks, "Jordan why are you so upset? It's not like I asked you to fuck her. And since when do you care what girls I fuck anyway?"

"Since now, when it's a girl I've known my whole life. Now go."

Abby turns and leaves. But Jordan doesn't follow after her. Instead he shuts, and locks, the door. He needs to check on Morgan and he doesn't want Abby coming back.

Jordan heads upstairs to look for Morgan. He goes into her old bedroom, it's still got all her old furniture in it, but doesn't look like it's used anymore. He finds an office in her mom's old craft room. He finally finds Morgan in what use to be her mother's bedroom. She's laying facedown across the bed, her face buried in a pillow. "Morg, can I come in?"


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