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"Jordan I've been here the whole time. Come here babe, come get in bed with me. You look like you need to lay down. I'll take care of you." He stares at Morgan as she takes his hand and pulls him onto the bed with her.

"Babe I'm so happy you're here. I'm so tired. I think I had too much to drink, but I swear I didn't mean to drink so much."

"Shhhh, babe it's okay. I'm here and I'll make you feel better." Morgan lays him on his back and climbs on top of him.

Jordan moans as she slides down on his length. "Babe I'm sorry I can't seem to keep my eyes open. Maybe we should stop, I'm just so tired."

She giggles, "It's okay Jordan, you can sleep now. I can finish this while you rest."

Jordan doesn't think that sounds right, but he can't open his eyes and he falls asleep before he can say anything in protest.

When Jordan wakes up the sun is shining through the windows. It's so bright it hurts his eyes. When his eyes adjust to the light he panics. He realizes he's not at home and he has no idea where he is.

Jordan tries to sit up but can't. He looks down and there's not just one woman in bed with him, there's two. One laying on each arm. Both are naked. And so is he. Jordan yanks his arms out from under both women. He stumbles as he gets off the bed. His head throbs in pain. It's like the worst hangover he's ever had before. Every time he moves his head throbs harder. It doesn't matter though, he's got to find his clothes and get the fuck out of there. Morgan's going to be furious. How will he ever explain this to her? How will he explain something he can't even remember.

"Leaving so soon love?"

He knows that voice. Abby. He remembers meeting Abby for dinner at her hotel.

"What the fuck happened Abby? Why can't I remember anything? What did you do?" Jordan knows this isn't just a hangover. This is something else.

Abby acts insulted, but can't really pull it off. She knows she's a terrible liar. "I gave you the best night you've had in months. Just try and deny it Jordan."

Jordan racks his brain, but for the life of him he can't remember shit after his first drink during dinner. "How could it have been the best night I've had in months if I can't even remember it?" Abby laughs harshly and reaches over and grabs his cock, Jordan winces.

"So if it wasn't the best night, how did you fuck until your dick got sore from it? Whether you remember it or not Jordan, you had more fun with Roxy and I in one night than you've had with your precious Morgan in the last year. You're too much man for her, she probably doesn't even know how much you like watching two women go at it. But she will."

Jordan finally finds his pants and is pulling them on when she says this. "What's that supposed to mean Abby?"

"Check your phone, I sent you a little preview first." Jordan feels around his pockets for his phone, it's not there. Abby clears her throat and he looks up, she's pointing to the night stand.

When he gets it opened to his text messages he's sees Morgan has been texting him all night. He bypasses hers and opens Abby's text. It's several pictures of him, Abby and Roxy, naked, in the bed he woke up in. There was definitely a lot of fucking going on. "Let me guess you sent these to Morgan?"

Abby smiles, and the smile Jordan once thought was so sweet and beautiful now just looks evil to him. "Well no, not yet. But I plan to. I haven't quite decided when to send them. I know it'll be before that beautiful wedding you've got planned. It could be a month before or a week before. Maybe I'll wait and send them to her a hour before. But I will make sure she knows the truth about you before she marries you."

"The truth about me? I don't know what happened last night, but it was a mistake. This isn't me."

Abby laughs again. "You cheated on me with her. Now you've cheated on her with me. The truth about you would be that you're a lying, cheating piece of shit. And I've got the pictures, and the videos to prove it. So you've got a choice, you tell her or I will. You two don't get your happily ever after. Now you better get dressed Jordan baby, she's been texting you all night. I think she may be really worried."

Abby crawls back into bed with Roxy. "Unless that is, you'd like to lose those pants and join us for some more fun."

Jordan grabs his shirt and shoes and heads for the door. He hears Roxy begin to moan as he walks out.

Jordan doesn't know what to do. How does he even begin to explain this. Morgan's never going to believe that he doesn't know how it happened. Jordan tries and tries to remember but it's like there's this fog in his brain and he just can't see through it. The thought crosses his mind that maybe he'd been drugged. He'd never have thought Abby was capable of something like that but she seemed pretty satisfied with herself this morning. Like she'd planned this and was trying to ruin him and Morgan's wedding. But would she really go this far to hurt him?

Jordan needs to talk to Donnie. If he can't turn to his best friend at a time like this then who can he turn too?

Amy yanks the door open before he can even knock. "Where the fuck have you been Jordan Knight?" He tries not to smile, she's so pregnant right now, and her yelling at him like she's his mom is amusing to him.

"Amy I know, I know. Look I can explain, I think. I need to talk to you and Donnie because honestly I'm not really positive about what happened."

She stares daggers at him and he's not sure she's even going to let him in the house. "Please Amy, I need your help." He begs her and her whole demeanor changes when his eyes fill up with tears. She can see he's sincere.

Donnie's sitting at their kitchen table when they walk in. He's surprised when he sees Jordan. "Man you look like hell. Where have you been all night?"

Jordan sits down with Donnie and Amy joins them. Jordan starts telling them what he can remember, which isn't a whole lot but Amy and Donnie both listen carefully. When Jordan stops talking no one says anything at first. Amy finally speaks up. "Jordan are you telling me you had dinner with Abby and then woke up this morning in bed with her and her friend? But you don't remember anything in-between?"

Yes. I swear, I don't remember anything after dinner. I feel like I remember her asking me to come to her room to pick up something she had of mine or for me. But I don't remember actually going up there with her."

Donnie let's out a heavy breath, "So you don't even know if anything happened. Maybe she's just making you think it did."

Jordan pulls out his phone. "She has pictures. And dude my dick feels rare. Something definitely happened."

Amy makes a face, "Gross Jordan. You fucked her without protection?"

"NO! I didn't fuck her, she fucked me. She planned this guys. She must have heard about the wedding and decided to get even."

Amy eyes Jordan. He can tell she's trying to decide if she believes him or not. "How did you end up at dinner with her anyway Jordan?"

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