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Jordan goes to find a nurse that can check Morgan out. When he gets back to her bed there's a curtain drawn around it. He can see someone's standing by her bedside. So he hangs back a little ways and waits.

Jordan sees two male nurses with another bed come over to her curtained off area and he gets worried. But when he hears her scream for them to not touch her, he gets mad. He runs to her. When he pulls back the curtain the two nurses or whatever they are, are manhandling Morgan to try and get her onto the other bed.

"Hey let go of her you assholes." He pushes the one guy back and stands between them and Morgan. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?

"Sir please don't interfere. We're just trying to get her to cooperate. Anyone brought in for a suicide attempt has a mandatory seventy-two hour hold on them for an evaluation."

Jordan scowls at the pompous doctor. "She wasn't brought in for any suicide attempt. She fell and her arm went through a window. It was an accident. I should know I'm the one who brought her in."

The doctor looks down at his clipboard. "Her chart says Suicide attempt. Second attempt."

"Well buddy your fucking chart is wrong, on both cases. I was with her tonight and we had a little to much to drink at the Dorchester day parade. When we went back to her place, she fell. It wasn't anything other than an accident. So if you don't mind I'm taking her home now that she's stitched up."

The doctor looks from Jordan to Morgan, "Is that what happened?" Morgan nods her head "Yes. I told you that already." The doctor shakes his head and writes something on her chart. "Then you're free to go I guess." He hands Morgan her discharge papers and just like that she's walking out with Jordan.

They're both quiet on the drive back to her house. Jordan helps her upstairs and gets her changed and put to bed. He leans down to kiss her forehead. "Stay with me J."

"I can't Morg. I need to get back to my mom's. Abby's probably wondering where I am. I'll come by and check on you tomorrow. Get some sleep, okay?" He gives her a quick but amazing kiss on the lips before he goes. He watches her as the smile spreads across her lips. It warms his heart that she can still make him feel like the most loved man in the world sometimes. "Goodnight Morg. I do love you, so much." She's already asleep when he looks back at her before closing her bedroom door.

Morgan wakes up the next morning feeling better than she should. She guesses she's not super hungover due to bleeding all the alcohol out last night.  Morgan looks at her bandaged arm and shakes her head. What a stupid thing she'd done last night. But an effective hangover cure.

Morgan dreads going downstairs to the giant mess she has waiting for her.

To her surprise there is no mess. All of the blood is gone. Someone cleaned it all up for her. They even boarded up the window and picked up all the glass in her kitchen. She's thankful for this, Jordan never ceases to amaze her. She sees he even found her phone and cleaned it up as well.

Morgan picks up her phone and calls the only person she thinks can help her with the predicament she's gotten herself in. "Hey can you come over? I need your help with this Jordan/Jesse conundrum I've put myself in. Thank you, see you in a few." She hangs up and puts on a pot of coffee.

While she waits she tries to clean herself up some. She's got blood all over her. The best she can do without taking a shower, which she doesn't have time to do, is changing out of her bloody shirt and shorts. She wipes as much of the dried blood off her leg and feet but her doorbell rings before she can get to her hair.

The look on Donnie's face when she opens the door tells her he hadn't talked to Jordan last night or today. "Jesus Christ Morg what the hell happened to you?" He comes in and immediately starts accessing her for injuries. When he sees the bandage on her arm she can see exactly where his thoughts go. "Morgan what the hell happened?"

"Donnie it's fine. I accidentally put my arm through a kitchen window last night. I got a little drunk after the parade and fell. It's okay though. Got some stitches and it's fine."

He's staring at her with the saddest look on his face. He hates that she's going through this. She's been so happy for so long, he'd gotten so used to not having to worry about her. He considered her family and he loved her as such. He'd go to the ends of the earth to protect her and lately he felt like he was failing her. "So you're okay, physically?"

"Yes D. I would have called you and Amy but I'd dropped my phone in a puddle of blood. Jordan took me to the hospital."

"Jordan? He was here when this happened?"

They sit down on her couch and he starts examining her arm. "No he was at his mom's and I went over there after I realized how bad it was. He even cleaned up all the blood and boarded up my window after he brought me home."

Morgan knows Donnie is probably the only one who she can talk to about Jordan and Jesse. He loves Jordan and he's friends with Jesse. She'd thought about calling Amy, but she's still so mad at Jordan. Morgan thinks she'll hold a grudge forever. Donnie, he'll be objective and completely honest with her.

"Donnie I called you over because I'm in desperate need of help. Your help. I'm at one of the biggest crossroads of my life. And you might be my only hope of looking at my options objectively. Because apparently I'm not doing a very good job of that. I've managed to fuck things up royally because I love two men. And I don't know how to choice just one. I want them both."

Donnie looks at her, "You know you probably can't have them both. But who knows maybe you could have one of those polyamorous relationships."

Morgan laughs, "Yeah I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen."

"Then you have to choose. You have to look at all your options, pros and cons of each and make a decision."

"This is why I need your help D. I get stuck on Jesse's beautiful blue eyes and Jordan's rock hard body. Then I can't think about anything else."

"Oh my God Morgan seriously? You're not a teenager anymore. There's more to a man than beautiful eyes and rock hard abs." Donnie's all smiles though, he knows she needs a little laughter right now. And he'd do just about anything to see her smile right now.

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