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Jesse's speechless. He can't believe what he just heard her say. Marrying her has been all he'd wanted for the past two years.

Jesse had known she was the one for him since the day he met her. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. And they'd hit it off almost immediately. Those two hours they'd talked had been the easiest conversation he'd ever had with anyone. She was so open and honest that day. She told him all about her mother and how close they'd been. She'd told him about when she got sick and when she'd passed away she'd held her hand. He felt like he'd known her forever after that day. He couldn't wait to see her again.

It wasn't until their third date that she told him about how she'd just gotten out of rehab. All she told him about that was she'd had a hard time after her mom died and got addicted to some prescription pills. They didn't speak about it again for a few months.

Not until she finally told him about Jordan.

This was around six or seven months into them dating. She told him everything about Jordan and how he'd broken her heart. She held nothing back. She glossed over the overdose though. To this day he has no idea if it was accidental or not.

Now, after everything, she's telling him she's ready to marry him and he can't say anything. He sees her smile begin to fade and he forces the words out of his mouth. "Yes."

"Yes? Are you sure?"

He takes her hands. "Yes of course I'm sure. I'd just planned on doing this myself. I have a ring and a speech. But this is good too. I don't care how we get there, as long as we end up married."

"You've already gotten me a ring? Why haven't you given it to me yet?"

Jesse knows she knows why, but he answers her anyway. "Because I was waiting until I knew you were ready. I'm glad you're finally ready because carrying this ring around with me every time we go out has been torture." Jesse takes a black velvet box out of his jacket pocket and slides it across the table to her.

Morgan opens the little box and there is the most beautiful diamond ring she's ever seen. When she looks back at Jesse he's on one knee next to her. "Morgan will you marry me?"

"Yes, of course I will."

The entire restaurant erupts in applause. Morgan blushes. And Jesse smiles as he places the ring on her finger.

Dinner is had over giggles and loving looks across the table. Morgan absentmindedly spins her new ring around her finger with her thumb. She feels so happy to finally give her whole self to Jesse. She just knows they're going to be so happy together.

After dinner they head home. They see Marlene getting out of her car as they pull in. Jesse jumps out of the car and comes over to open Morgan's door. "Hi Marlene. We've got some really great news to tell you." Morgan looks up at Jesse, then over at Marlene.

"What is it dear?"

"We're getting married!!" Jesse tells her. Marlene smiles so big at them both. "Oh that's wonderful news you two." She hugs Jesse, then hugs Morgan extra tight. "I'm so happy for you sweetheart. He's a lucky guy." Marlene whispers before kissing her cheek. Morgan feels like this is such a "mom" moment. She feels so grateful to have Marlene in her life. Amber tells her she loves her and then whispers back to her, "Don't tell Jordan yet. I think he should hear it from me." Marlene promises not to say anything.

A few days later Morgan finally feels brave enough to tell Jordan her news. She decides a text is best. For her anyway.

Morgan: Hey J.

Within seconds Jordan texts her back.

Jordan: Hey Morg. How are you?

Morgan: I'm good. I've got some news.

Jordan: yeah? What's up?

Morgan: I'm getting married.

It's a good five minutes before she hears from him again. But it's not a text, he calls her. He starts talking immediately when she answers her phone. "Hello?"

"Morgan I don't know what to say.  I guess congratulations is the proper response.  But in all honesty I'm not feeling that proper right now. Don't get me wrong babe, all I've ever wanted is for you to be happy. But now, when I have the opportunity to show it, I can't. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called. Bye Morg."

A few seconds later he sends her another text.

Jordan: Congratulations to you both. I hope you'll be very happy. You definitely deserve it.

Jordan feels like his heart has been ripped out of his chest. But why though? He knew she loved Jesse. He knew this day would come. So why does he feel so blindsided?

She's all he's thought about since that day at the motel. Having her again did something to him. It had been a goodbye for her, but for him it wasn't a goodbye at all. It was a hello. A welcome home. And he needed more of her. He craved her, everyday. He was slowly becoming more obsessed with the thought of her. And it was killing him. Abby doesn't even seem to notice he's been preoccupied. He knows Morgan would have noticed. She would have already asked a thousand questions. Not Abby though. She never asks him questions. Unless it's were are they going to eat dinner, or what party are they going to this weekend. It's the easiest relationship he's ever been in. Easy isn't what he's looking for anymore. Real is what he wants now. But he's only ever had Real once in his life. And she just told him she's getting married.

He loves her down to the very core of his being. She's embedded in his soul. He can't accept she's gone for good. He knows she still loves him. He knows she'll always love him. And he knows she'd be his again if he applied just the slightest amount of pressure. She wouldn't be able to resist him if he moved home. If he inserted himself into her every day life she'd leave Jesse for him. But he wouldn't do that. She has to make the decision to come back to him by herself. He can't influence her in any way whatsoever. Because if something went wrong and it didn't work out, she'd blame him for "making" her leave Jesse.

So he'll just keep his need for her to himself. Never letting anyone else know how miserable and incomplete he is without her. Not even his best friend Donnie. Alcohol helps. Most nights it takes a lot of alcohol to drown his pain. But picturing Morgan's face when he's fucking Abby is his biggest comfort.

Morgan's beautiful face looking up at him as Abby sucks his dick. Morgan's sexy smile as Abby looks back at him as he slams into her from behind. It's his gorgeous Morgan he sees looking down at him while Abby rides him like he's a champion stallion. And it's Morgan's o-face he sees when he makes Abby come over and over again when he goes down on her.

This has become his life saver.

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