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They say you never forget your first love. The feeling of falling in love for the first time stays with you forever. It's something that only happens once. Kind of like losing your virginity, you only get to do it once. So you hope you pick the right person to be your first. Because no matter how many times you have sex in your life, you only have one first. Same with your first love. It sticks with you. You never forget.

For most though, your first love eventually becomes your first heart break. It's painful and you think you'll die from it. Getting over it takes time, a lot of time. That's if you actually do ever get over it.

Your first love/first heartbreak will haunt you forever with what ifs.

If you're lucky your second love will be epic and make you question whether or not you ever really loved anyone else before.

If you're not lucky...well...let's just say it won't take much of a spark to set that old flame ablaze again and again, every time you see them.

Again (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now