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When Morgan and Jesse enter the reception hall, they're both all smiles and giggles. Morgan sees relief in Amy's eyes as she approaches her. Amy takes Morgan by the hand and she starts to drag her off to talk privately. Jesse kisses Morgan's hand before letting go so she can talk to Amy. "I'll grab you a drink my love." She smiles and blows him a kiss. "Thanks babe."

Amy begins talking immediately. "Oh my God I'm so glad to see you were with Jesse. I was afraid Jordan found you. He walked out of here not too long after you did. I stopped him and read him the riot act for that toast and I told him to stay away from you. Then he said he was just going to use the bathroom."

"I went out for a smoke and Jesse found me. We had a...well an intimate moment outside. Jordan did come outside, maybe he was looking for me, maybe he wasn't. But he did catch the end of the show." Amy begins laughing uncontrollably. "Well good, serves him right. That explains his attitude when he came back from the "bathroom". He's been sulking over there at the bar."  Morgan looks over and sees Jesse ordering drinks. Jordan is just a couple of seats away from him. Morgan sees Jesse look at Jordan, who obviously has said something to him. Jesse's got fire in his eyes, like he's about to punch Jordan in the nose. Morgan heads over to the bar and stands between them with her back to Jordan. She whispers in Jesse's ear, calming him down after whatever Jordan said. She asks Jesse to take their drinks while she speaks to Jordan really quickly.

"Were you out there looking for me?"


"Well you found me, what'd you want?"

"It doesn't matter."

Jordan's voice is low and quiet. He won't even look at Morgan now. Since he got back to town and first laid his eyes on her, he's kept them on her whenever they've been around each other. But now, he can't, it hurts too bad. He knows he has no right to be upset. He let her go years ago. And maybe that's why he's upset. He only has himself to blame for how he's feeling right now.

"Why doesn't it matter? Because you didn't like what you saw out there? Wow. Just try to imagine if you'd seen that five years ago, when we were still together. Back when I was still your everything, you're whole fucking world."

He's quiet. He's trying to wrap his mind around what she just said. He knew he'd hurt her back then. But he'd honestly never known how it must have truly made her feel. He'd never realized just how much he'd hurt her. "I'm so sorry Morg. I never...."

She shuts him down before he can say anything else. "Just shut the fuck up Jordan. Seriously. You being sorry five years later means absolutely nothing." She leans in close to him saying "nothing" right into his ear. "Go fuck yourself Jordan. Shove that I'm sorry straight up your sorry ass. Until you have a real explanation for me, I don't want to hear anything else from you."

Morgan plants a smile on her face, proud of herself for standing up to him. She turns to go but he grabs her hand stopping her. "I've never felt jealous of another man before tonight. But seeing another man touching you, kissing you, taking you is killing me."

Morgan just says "Good." as she pulls her hand from his and walks away. Unable to keep the huge smile from spreading across her face. She finds Jesse and sits on his lap, kissing him as soon as she's seated. They spend the rest of the night like this, loving and playful. She and Jordan have no other interactions with each other, until its time for wedding party photos. The photographer wants pictures of the maid of honor and best man together. Amy suggests some funny options, one in which Morgan is flipping Jordan off, as he looks all sad. They also take some sweet pictures together. Before they finish Jordan asks Morgan to meet him for the talk she promised they could have after the wedding. He suggests a restaurant, but Morgan honestly doesn't think a public place is right for this conversation. She knows she's going to get upset, angry and probably emotional. She doesn't want to cause any scenes. "I think I should just come over to Amy's to talk. That way I can yell at you and even hit you if I feel the need." Jordan laughs and agrees. They decide that tomorrow at three will work best for her.

Morgan's quiet on the ride home. She knows she has to tell Jesse about meeting Jordan tomorrow to talk. She doesn't think he'll like it, but she knows he won't try and stop it either. He knows she needs closure. He trusts her, he knows she loves him, he's never doubted that once. But he also knows she never truly got over Jordan and in all probability still loves him deep down. How could she not? She grew up loving Jordan. He was her life for eight years, then one day he was just gone. Out of her life for five years, now he was suddenly back. And she wanted closure. She needed closure. Jesse wanted her to get that closure so they could move forward.

"Jesse, I'm meeting Jordan tomorrow to talk." Morgan blurts the sentence out so quickly, Jesse almost missed what she said. He laughed. "Mor, I already told you I'd support you no matter what you chose to do. I think you need your questions answered so you can get closure."

"Thank you for being so great. I love you."

"Babe, you make it easy to be great to you. I love you."

Morgan thinks about how she plans to marry this man sitting next to her. She wants that more than anything. He's almost everything she's ever wanted. He sweet, he's smart, he's successful, not to mention he's extremely good looking and amazing in bed. And he loves her. He loves her so much. He'd never hurt her or leave her when things got hard. He'd actually fallen in love with her when things weren't so great for her. He's taken care of her and all he wants is to make her happy. The one thing he's not though, is Jordan.

It's not that she still wants to be with Jordan, it's all the unanswered questions. Getting over him was the hardest thing she ever had to do and it literally almost killed her. She needs to know why he did it. Why he just left her when she needed him the most. Why he purposely hurt her like he did. She needs answers, closure, so she can finally let all that hurt go and move on with her new life, with Jesse.

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