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God this is hard. Morgan thinks as she looks at Jesse sitting across the table from her. She'd made them dinner tonight. Her mom had always told her never to give anyone bad news on an empty stomach. She wasn't sure it really made a difference but she'd try anything to not hurt Jesse.

But she thinks he thinks it's a good news kind of night because it's only on a rare occasion that she makes her mom's famous Chicken Stuff, as they always called it.

The way he's looking at her, smiling his beautiful smile. Those gorgeous blue eyes taking her in. It's breaking her heart. But she owes him the whole truth. She has to let him go. Even if it'll hurt like hell, it's the right thing to do. Because she couldn't live with never seeing Jordan again. And she may be making the dumbest decision of her life, but she had to try to make it work with Jordan.

"Jesse we really should talk." His smile fades away and his blue eyes darken. In that second she knows that he knows what's coming. "I love you Jesse. I really do and this has to be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. And even though it's killing me, I know it's the right thing."

Jesse has the most pained look in his eyes. "Morgan please, stop. You don't have to explain. I get it. You choose him. I knew the minute you saw him at the bar that first night it would come to this. I had hoped it wouldn't, but I get it. You never forget your first love." Jesse reaches over and wipes the tear off her cheek. "Don't cry babe. I'm not mad. And I'm only a little hurt, but I understand. I love you so much and all I want is for you to be happy. Morgan you're a very special woman and you deserve to be treated like it. So make damn sure he treats you right."

Morgan begins to sob, this would have been so much easier if he had been mad at her. Him being so nice and understanding is making it worse. Jesse picks Morgan up and carries her into the living room. He sits down on their couch and just holds her until she stops crying. When she does stop crying she just sits there on his lap. Memorizing his scent and the way his arms feel wrapped around her. She's going to miss his arms around her and how safe he always made her feel. But she knows it'll be nothing like how much she's missed Jordan over the last five years.

"I better be going sweetheart. There's no need in prolonging this goodbye. It'll only make it harder. Just promise me one thing Morgan. Don't ever let him treat you like anything less than the amazing woman you are. You deserve the best life has to offer." Jesse picks her up and sits her on the couch next to him. He kisses her on the forehead and stands to go, but she grabs him by the shirt and pulls him back down so she can kiss him on the lips.

She breaks their kiss and he rests his forehead against hers. "Jesse stay with me tonight. Just one more night."

He shakes his head. "No, Morgan, I can't. It's too hard." Tears fill his eyes as he stands to go. "Never forget how much I love you, okay?"

"I hope I never do." She reluctantly slips her engagement ring off her finger and takes one long last look at it before she gives it back to Jesse. He looks at it, not wanting it back. But he knows he has to take it. She's ended their relationship, that's what he's supposed to do.

"I can't make myself take that ring from you. I know I'm supposed to, but I can't Morgan. Just put it with my stuff and I'll take it without knowing." Morgan stands up and goes to him. She wraps her arms around him and hugs him tight. As they stand there embracing she slips the ring into his pocket. He let's her go and quickly kisses her once more before he walks out of her door.

Morgan feels heartbroken, but also relived that it went so well. She knows it could have been so much worse. This makes her think of how things are going with Jordan and Abby. She doesn't honestly believe Abby will be as understanding as Jesse was.


Jordan and Abby arrive home and Jordan's feeling very anxious. He's been going over in his head how to tell Abby it's over the whole flight back to New York. He's positive she knows something's up because she's been quiet since they left his mom's house.

"Abby we need to talk." Abby turns to him and has a look of fear on her face. Now he knows she knows something's up. He goes and sits on the couch. He pats the couch next to him, motioning for her to come sit by him.

Abby picks up her bag, "Jordan give me just one minute. I need to put this stuff away. You know how much I hate clutter in the apartment." Before he can say anything she disappears into their bedroom with her bag.

Jordan stands and heads over to the bar and makes himself a drink. He's not looking forward to this conversation. He knows Abby won't take him breaking up with her well. He tries to just think about getting back to his Morgan and them starting their life together.

Jordan sits back down when Abby comes back into the room. She's changed into her sweats and a tank top. These aren't normal sweats though, they hang low on her hips, and her tank top is a cut off wife beater. It shows off her midriff, which is tan and flat with a tiny four pack of abs. Her hips bones catch his eye, he's always loved her sexy hip bones, kissing and nipping at them during their foreplay always drives her crazy. His mind begins to wander along with his eyes. He looks up her body as she comes over to sit with him on the couch. She's not wearing a bra and her nipples are hard, pressing against the thin fabric of her tank top. He can't stop staring at her, she's sexy as hell. She's making this harder on him than he thought it would be. Harder in more ways than one.

"Abby. I'm not really sure how to say this, but...."

"Jordan wait, let me just say one thing first. I've been trying to figure out how to say this all weekend. I don't want you to be upset, I know it took me all weekend to come to terms with it, but maybe it won't be such a bad thing. Try to keep an open mind okay. I'm pregnant."

Again (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora