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Jordan doesn't answer Abby at first, he waits so long she has to lift her head to see if he's still awake. His eyes are open and fixed on a invisible spot on the ceiling.

Jordan's thinking about how to answer her question. Part of him just wants to be honest with her. But the other part of him thinks it's better that he isn't. His reasoning for thinking lying to Abby about Morgan is the better option is one, he's not sure how she'd react if she knew the truth, she might confront Morgan or possibly even go to Jesse and tell him everything. Jordan can't let that happen. And two, she might leave him and he's just not ready to be alone. He turns his head to look at her and a third reason hits him, he doesn't want to hurt Abby. He cares for her, he's grown to care very deeply for her. He truly believes if Morgan wasn't in the picture he'd fall in love with Abby. But Morgan is in the picture and she's all he can think about. He's so madly in love with her that it hurts him not to be with her.

Jordan smiles at Abby, trying to ease her fear. "Morgan and I are friends. We've been friends for a very, very long time. She's very important to me. But we're just friends."

Abby wants to believe him, but she's listed as his in his phone. Who thinks of there friends in that way? "Have you two only ever been friends?"

Jordan inhales deeply and let's it out slowly. "No. We haven't always only been friends." There's a long pause and Abby looks up at him. Jordan closes his eyes and then opens them again. "We dated in high school. She was my first love. Hell she was my first everything. We were together until college ended and I moved to New York and she stayed in Dorchester."

Abby sits up and stares down at him. "And that's it? It just ended after college just like that? Did it end badly? What's your relationship been like with her since you moved to New York?"

"For fuck's sake Abs, it just ended. Yes it ended badly, she caught me cheating on her. I've had no relationship with her since I moved to New York. I hadn't seen or talked to her in five years before Donnie's wedding. We made up and are friends now. That's it. End of story." Jordan rolls over onto his side, his back to Abby and making it very clear to her that he's not talking about it anymore. Abby lays back down and wraps her arm around him. After a few minutes Jordan rolls back over onto his back and pulls Abby close to him. He kisses the top of her head and goes to sleep.

Abby can't stop feeling uneasy about how things have been between her and Jordan since he got back from Boston after Donnie's wedding. She can't help but feel like he's lying to her about his relationship with Morgan or how he feels about her. He doesn't act like he's going anywhere though and she knows Morgan is going to be marrying Jesse in a few months. So maybe things will go back to normal after that. She'll just have to wait and see.


Morgan and Jesse sit at the kitchen table together the morning after Jordan asked her to come to see him. They're going over wedding plans. They've picked a venue, a band, a color theme, cake, music, wedding party, almost every decision has been made. They've agreed on it all. It's been so easy. This morning they're writing out a guest list.

"Wow, this has been so easy. All I've  got to do now is find the perfect wedding dress. I've looked at a few shops here in Boston but I want something spectacular and one of a kind. I was thinking I'd go into New York and look at some of the shops there. What do you think?"

Jesse thinks about it, "Babe it's your special day, if you think you'll find what you're looking for in New York then let's go look in New York. I think it'd be fun to take my best girl to New York for a weekend."

Morgan hadn't expected him to want to go with her. "You can't come with me. You can't see the dress if I find what I'm looking for."

Jesse doesn't like the idea of her going by herself, "You'd want to go by yourself, into Manhattan?"

Morgan catches his meaning, "No I was thinking Amy and I could have a girl's weekend. We haven't done anything just the two of us since she got married."

Jesse likes that idea. He knows how much she loves spending time with Amy. And she has a point about them not having gotten to since before Amy got married. "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea."

Morgan jumps up and kisses Jesse. "I'm going to call her now and see what she thinks about it."

"Amy, I want us to go to New York to look for my wedding dress. I was thinking we could make a weekend out of it. It's been so long since we had any time just the two of us."

Amy loves the idea of them having a girls weekend. They make the arrangements for the next weekend. Jesse even splurges and gets them a room at the Plaza.

Amy comes over that night so they can research some Bridal shops in the city. See which ones can accommodate them. They get a list together and talk about other things they might do on their getaway weekend.

Morgan seems distracted by her phone Amy thinks. She's been texting back and forth with someone since Amy arrived. "Hey who the hell are you texting? I mean who could possibly be more important than me?"

Morgan puts her phone down on the table, face down Amy notices. "It's no one, just a girl from the gym who lived in Manhattan before she moved to Boston. She was telling me different restaurants and places we should go. And you know there is NO ONE more important than you Aims."

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