Chapter 39: Let your rapidity be that of the wind

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St. Petersburg, Russia

Red Team Safe house,  undisclosed location

Lex's Pov

I clicked my earpiece as I thought about what agent Charles told me about Nikolai. If he was an asset for National Intelligence then what were they really up to with the Resistance and Russtech Ammunition. Something kept nagging at me It was what Sasha had told me before tried to kill me; alliances can be brought.

I voiced through Summer's earpiece. " Summer, Jennifer wondering if you can help her protect an analyst from the Russian Federation."

"Lex, I'm ready when Jennifer needs me,  just give her number and the address of the safe house," Summer told me.

"I found out who supplied David with the classified intel for his books that got him killed. An analyst named Jack Foltrigg who works for the Resistance," I told her.

"I knew that he couldn't be trusted. There's just something about him. I couldn't my finger on it. Be careful if he is working with the Resistance. It could be a trap or a set-up, she told me.

She was right about Foltrigg; he was up to something, but  he had  made a big mistake when he supplied  my brother with the classified intel that had got him killed. As much as I wanted to put him in the ground, we still had our op and that came first with the treaty drawing closer and the Resistance planning to eliminate the Russian President he would have to wait.

I ended the conversation on my earpiece as we walked out of the safe house, and walked over to the Dodge Ram parked on the long driveway. I say "Any ideas on how we're  going to pass the security at the Resistance compound. You know that National intelligence will some of their agents guarding outside right."

"Yes, but I don't know think they will be a problem for us. It's not like  the deputy director of Intelligence is going to be there. I would more be worried about the Resistance," Nandika told me.

Grabbing the door on the driver-side, I slid, closing the door behind while Nandika got in on the passenger-side and closed the door behind. Backing up off the driveway, I glanced back at the Hardigg Storm in the back of the truck as a plan formed in my mind and said, "You just get to Nikolia, I'll take care of the security outside the compound."

"We don't even know where this compound is Lex? The Red team has been trying to locate the compound for a long time with no luck," Nandika stated.

My instincts and guts were telling me that this Compound was going to be really hard find. If that was case our best chance had to be Sasha office, The tricky part would be getting by the security guards and pass the motion detectors. Glancing over at agents Charles, I knew this was going to one our of most dangerous, and dicy ops ever.

Driving down the narrow streets through my peripheral vision, I quickly spotted a FSB Surveillance vehicle a couple vehicles behind us tailing. There was no way that the FSB could have known about the safe house that Red Team had. But then nothing really surprised for the SVR and FSB. I floored the gas pedal as we sped down the street. From what I knew about Sasha, he was a very cautious and that he had a safe in his office.

After a while we arrived at a tall, looming skyscraper outside, as we grabbed the door, stepping out ,and closed the door behind us. Withdrew my Glock from hip holster as I gripped in my grip, my eyes narrowed on two armed security guards inside the lobby. We darted through the front glass entrance doors as we pushed then opened. Gunfire erupted as the security opened fire, I sprinted over to the staircase, and pivoted pulling the trigger as a bullet out taking out one of the security guards.

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