Chapter 35: Forbidden to the End

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~Kai's POV~

I've been trying to plunge my dagger to her but nothing seems to work. Girl can fight.

"Oh, your majesty, might I get you a drink?" She said sarcastically. "You look exhausted."

"And you look like shit."

"Good. I was trying to look like your wife."

"Talk about my wife again and I'll-"

"Ryder couldn't care less so I suggest you keep your mouth shut."

"No wonder you got cursed. Bitches like you don't deserve anything but hell." Her face went dark. "Oops. Looks like I hit a spot."

"Shut up and fight." I moved back slowly to help Adrien and the others with M. Waze when I saw two angels tied up behind the trees. Mentor Ace and Zeke.

"Bella, M. Ace and Zeke are behind the trees."

"On it."

~Bella's POV~

"Don, take over." He nodded.

I ran as fast as I could, fighting demons blocking my way to the mentors.

"Mentors! What happened? Is he ok?" I looked at Mentor Zeke, still unconscious.

"He's fine. Waze hit him harder on the head."

I untied them both from the tree. "Mentor Waze...he's with that girl, Hazel."

"Argh" he touched the back of his head, groaning with pain. "Hazel? She's alive?"

"You knew about them?"

"That's his ex. First and last love."

"Makes sense. What do you know about her? How do we stop her?"

"She's a Laveau."

"What the hell?" Mentor Zeke said, rising from the ground.

"How does that help us?"

"I'm not sure. All I know is Laveaus have this...curse."

"Time's ticking, Ace."

She can only be killed by the one she truly trusts.

"Who's that?"

"I'm Eleanor...and I need you to listen, Bellatrix."


"Mentor Zeke, get the rest of the angels. Mentor Ace, tell me, how well can an angel dagger kill another angel?"

"I like where this is going." He smirked.

I walked back to the battlefield, flicking the demons attacking me.

"Kai." I called to him, still fighting. "I need you to bring her behind Waze. I think I might know how to stop the bitch and the traitor."

~Adrien's POV~

"You put my wife's life on the line and for what?!"

"You know why. You were prepared to do anything for her."

"That was different. She's my wife." I pointed my dagger to Hazel with Kai, slowly coming near us. "She's no one."

"She's the love of my li-"



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