Chapter 23: Mystix Island

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~Zia's POV~

I got up and immediately looked for my friends. I was in a strange room made of wood. It looked a bit like an attic. "They're waiting for you outside." The woman said.

"Excuse me?"

"Your friends. You were looking for them weren't you?"

"Oh uhm...thanks?" I went out and saw them three, laughing and chatting with the...oh my God...are those-

"Zee! You're awake!" Siri ran and hugged me while the two stayed beside us. "We've been waiting for you. We were just talking to the fairies about their abilities and stuff. Did you know that they can shoot arrows like- ACCURATELY?! They said they never miss a shot which is SO COOL."

"And they're...true."

"I know. I couldn't believe it at first either."

"Wait, Siri, what happened?" Liv took my shoulder and asked.

"You don't remember anything?"

"Of course not. I wouldn't ask if I did."

"Long story short, we jumped into the waterfall, it was actually a hidden disguise to the entrance of the camp, you hit your head, and you didn't wake up for hours so those fairies over there explain everything to us about dragons, wizards, warlocks, mermaids, banshees, pegasi-"

"Wait wait wait slow down. So this is Mystix Camp?"

"That's what I just sai- How hard did you hit your head?"

That's when I clearly saw it. A crystal clear lake surrounded by clean, green field. The hazy mountains we're standing on. It was full of leaves and trees, pure nature. I looked behind me and saw the cabin I just got out of earlier. I suppose this is where I stayed for the last couple of hours. The rather huge cabin was surrounded by fresh sunflowers.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" The woman proclaimed.


"Zia, that's the woman that healed your dumb ass when your head bro-fisted the ground real hard."

"Bix!" Liv said. "Pay respect."

"We still don't know her name." He whispered.

"Everyone..." We all faced her. "...I'm Eleanor. I was once your grandparents' friend, Chrizianne."


"Wow. Those mermaids look stunning."

"Yes but don't look at them too long. Most of them are very...short-tempered and deceiving." She said as we were walking on the side of the lake, admiring the beauty of nature.

"So what did you wanna talk about, ma'am?" Siri asked.

"Oh Siri." She chuckled. "You can call me Aunt Ella. I got used to it when I raised your mom, Zia."

"You raised my mom?"

"I did. I took good care of her...before she was taken by the shadows. I never knew where they took her but til then, I knew that they'll be coming for me."

"Why did you take care of her? Where are my grandparents?"

"I wish I knew. They disappeared after Eva was born."

"Wait- how did you know who we were?" Bix asked.

"Word spreads, Percy Vixon. Either way, we'll know exactly what will happen next in this camp."

"Hey, I'd prefer you calling me Bixby."

"If you insist, Bixby."

"What do you mean by we'll know exactly what will happen next in this camp? Are you some kind of fortune teller here or something?" Livvi asked.

"There are gifted people in here too, you know? Our best tells us daily reports of what will happen next and what's happening outside this island."

"So you know what's happening to our parents, right now?"

She sighed. "Your dad..." she gazed at Bixby "...and your dad are together with your Aunt Lou, Aunt Bella, and Uncle Don. I do not know what they're planning at the moment because the last time I checked, their meetings were protected by your dad, Bixby."

"Serenity, Ryder, and Helix, I have no idea where but I felt great darkness to where they are. It's...eating off of them." She paused. We felt fear to what she just said.

"What about my mom? Where is she?"

"She's near. I'm not sure where exactly but we feel her energy. A power like hers is not easy to patch up by any kind of magic."

"She's alive...right?"

"She most certainly is." Thank God. "But we can't be so calm about this. She's under some kind of spell, I can feel it. We must rescue her this once." We all looked at each other, looking for what to answer. "You'll get the training that you were looking for in this camp. We'll let some of our people out, but not much. We can't risk a lot for your battle but worry yourself, do not. I'll give the best."

I nodded as a response. "When do we start?"


"Girls and boys, these are three of the best teens. Meet Cleo, Uno, and Becca." The three looked like just as old as Olivia.

"Hey!" Siri waved. "How old are you guys?"

"Uno's 16, Becca's 15 and I'm 17." Cleo answered.

"Oh...y'all are really old." Bix commented.

"True. We have powers too." Becca said.

"Alright children, in position."

"Where exactly do we position ourselves?"

"Get your weapons and step on the line." I took the curved silver dagger with turquoise blue lines with a plain curved end. Bixby took the stick while Siri took the two circle blades. Olivia, on the other hand, took the sword, same as Becca's. Uno took the katana and Cleo took the bow and arrow.


"Those weapons are designed to reflect your powers, Olivia." Aunt Ella explained. "Uno's blade can lit up. He's a fire bender."

Uno's blade did as what Aunt Ella explained. "Cleo is an Earth bender and Becca is an air bender."


"Where's your water bending machine?" Bix laughed.

The question made Aunt Ella laugh. "You should look at the mirror more often."

"Oh my gosh, I'm a water bender?"

"We'll know soon."


"Now, focus. Look at the shadows in front of you. Those figures will attack you and I want you to defend yourself." She paused. "For now, we'll master defense and offense with those weapons you chose. In the next four days...on your birthdays, we'll train you with your powers. It's time for you to rise, children of the best."

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