Chapter 14: Fourth Clue

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~Nova's POV~

We all looked horrified with Eva's picture, sleeping. She looked so...peaceful.

"Does anyone recognize the place?"

"No. It could be some random room at a private place." Bella answered.

"Where's Adrien?" John asked.

"He's with Kai at Oriel." Lou replied.

"We can't show this to him."

"Come on, Nova. That's his wife." Adonis argued.

"We don't even know if he's still one of us!"

"How could you say that?! He's been with us since the battle. We didn't even know about the problems they were having with their marriage-"

"Exactly, Don. We DON'T. That's why we can't put our guard down."

"This is insane."

"Guys, aren't we gonna talk about how Smirky got here at the headquarters?" Helix asked.

John nodded. "Exactly, guys. Believe me, if someone's been a snake behind our backs, it'd be Adrien."

"We can't just jump into conclusions here, John. How do we know that YOU'RE not with that psycho smirk guy?"

"Oh so it's on me now-?"

"Guys!" Bella got between them before things got worse. "We need cooler minds on this one. Gather up the clues."

Lou took the notes and laid them on the table.

"First, War Island. Possibly Crimson Island."

"The divorce papers." Lou added.

"The picture." Helix followed.

"Guys..." We could all see the hesitation in Helix's eyes. "I think our guy...likes Eva."

"Ok, I didn't see that coming." Don commented.

"See? She needs a new hubby? A pic of her sleeping?"

"But what does Crimson Island got to do with that?" John asked.

"Wait, let me see those again." I looked at the notes and the picture. "Notice how there's no note or smirk signature on the picture?"

John's forehead wrinkled. "I don't think this one's smirky."

"The first and second clue is different too. The first one is about the island then the second is about the divorce papers."

"Are you suggesting that we're dealing with 2 smirks now?" Don asked.

"I'm suggesting that we're dealing with more than that."

~Adrien's POV~

After the failed attempt of locating our children, Kai and I headed back to the headquarters.

I overheard Adonis ask something right when I entered the place. We both stayed hidden to listen to whatever they're saying. "More than that?"

"Three. We're dealing with three." Nova answered. "Our first suspect is Adrien."

I stood up but Kai stopped me. He moved his head, gesturing me to stop and just listen, so I did.

"Wait, no. THIS can't be Adrien. Why exactly would he kidnap his own family?" Don asked.

"As you've said, we don't know anything about what was happening to their marriage and why they decided to get divorced." John replied. "There must be some sort of reason as to why Eva wanted to be separated to him. Plus, this picture..." he held the image up high "...was posted ON THE HEADQUARTERS DOOR!"

I cannot believe this. Why would they point this out to me?! And how did they know about the divorce.

"He can't possibly send us a picture of his wife sleeping and a note saying that she needs a new hubby! That's absurd, Nora!" Don's right. I would never.

I could see the picture on the table, the divorce papers they were talking about, and the notes we saw at the scene where out wives vanished. How could they not tell us about that?

Kai pulled me out the place and back to the car. We know that we shouldn't be near Bella and Nova at the moment because they'll know that we heard them. We got in the car and Kai drove as fast as he can to take us away from them.

"What were they talking about?!" He asked me. "You were getting divorced?!"

"No! We had a fight and Eva wanted to get divorced but she can't possibly arrange the papers within a day. The next day we fought, she had the accident. I would never do that to her, Kai. You know that!"

He paused. I could tell that he was analyzing every single clue that was there. "I know. There must be some other kind of explanation. Why were you guys fighting anyway?"

"She got pissed that I always wasn't there for Zia and I always come home late at night."

"Are you sure that's it?" I thought for a second.

"She assumed there was something going on with Lynn and I."

" there?"

"What?! No! Of course not! She's just my secretary."

"Then why would she think that in the first place? And why do you go home so late?" I feel interrogated.

I sighed. "Fine...Lynn is not...who you think she is-"

"So you are cheating on Eva?"

"What?! No! Lynn is a witch."

"You're making deals with a witch?!"

"I know. I know. It's prohibited. I was wrong and...stupid."

"Damn right you are. What were you thinking?!"

"I just thought that Zia is not a normal kid! Part angel, part gifted, and made of 3 powerful people?! She's a reincarnation too! I though, what if one day, her memories come back and she won't be able to control herself?"

"Look, I get it man. You're scared that she'll lose control but what does that have to do with Lynn?!"

"Lynn came from a camp that trains the most powerful beings on Earth. She gave me a map and all information about that place-perks and disadvantages."

"But witches don't do things for free...what was the catch?"

"She just wanted a job, ok? She said she wanted to have a- normal life."

"It looked hell of a lot more than a job."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw how she looked at you, Adrien. She likes you."

I scoffed. "There's no way...wait- you think?"

"What the hell is wrong with you? You blonde or something?"

"Wait- what if she wasn't captured nor with our kids? What if she took Serenity, Eva, and your wife? If what you're saying is true, she'd do anything to break our family apart. What if-"

"She planned everything."

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