Chapter 1: The Adonis Club

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"Long ago, the Almighty made the Earth. It was dark, filled with nothingness. It was great, at first, then he grew miserable from looking at pitch black every single day so, he made the universe, with our solar system and our planet. He then wanted to make it a home for someone...something-  so, he made the land, the sea, everything you see now outside...except there were no buildings and cars back then. He didn't make the humans yet...haha no. He made dinosaurs then, he made all mystical creatures. May it be centaurs, fairies, elves, goblins, giants, and even dragons...but he felt that it wasn't enough so he made witches and warlocks. Today as we know, witches looks like us, back then, it was different. The Almighty made them into the picture of gods and goddesses—shining, beautiful creatures. The witches and warlocks were loved. The creatures were very fond of them day, one of them went rouge and wanted to BE God. She summoned all elements but her power was too great that it lured even a rock from the sky. We call it today as an asteroid. It hit the ground, causing the extinction of dinosaurs and many other mystical creatures. Little did we know, as of today, some of those creatures are still lurking around, just waiting for the right moment to come out..." The bell rang and all of us were still in awe to even get our bags. "Alright, class dismissed." He took his books and all the students went out, except one.

"Mentor Waze..." I pulled his sleeves, trying to get his attention.

"What is it, cutie?"

"When will I get my powers? Oh and when I get them, will it be like mom's?" He paused for she asked this everyday after every after period and he wanted his every answer to be different because he didn't want the child to get her hopes up.

"Why? What is it?"

"Uhmm you- you should get your powers...soon, ok? Now, go on. Mommy's waiting for you."

"OK!" I ran outside as soon as Mentor Waze said that. "Mommy!" Mommy carried me in her arms.

"Hey, sweetie! How was school?"

"It was cool. Mentor Waze taught us about mythical creatures like dragons and fairies! Oh! He showed us pictures too and made me draw a dragon. Look!"

I showed her my drawing of a dragon with fire breath and wings.

"Wow, sweetie! This is-"

"AMAZING!" I threw my arms up and around my mom.

~Eva's POV~

I'm starting to think that I got lucky in the mother department.

"Come on now. Mom's making dinner tonight." I grabbed her by the hand and walked towards our car.

"Why can't we just fly?" She asked.

"Well uhm- mom can't fly because people will see us and you know what Mentor Waze says..."


"EXACTLY! Oh but don't say that to M. Waze. He says it in a more..."

"...boring way?" We laughed. Mother and daughter moments.

Zia's turning 10 and hopefully, she gets her powers soon. I don't want her to experience what I did. I still can't believe that our last battle's been 10 years ago.

"Hey, want some snacks?"

"Yes!" It's adorable how kids look effortlessly cute just by their sweet little smiles.

"Alright! Nuts orrr granola bar?" "Peanuts, please!" "Peanuts coming right up."

I was about to get some time with my daughter and watch TV when the phone rang.

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