Chapter 31: Angels We've Heard Below

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~Adrien's POV~

"Zia, we've talked about this-"

"No we didn't. You said we're GOING TO talk about it when we get home."

Astounding how a month can change a kid just so much.

"Please, Mr. Paige. We want to help." Siri said.

Bixby crosses his arms and added "Besides, you'll be needing all the help you can get."

"Yeah, dad. You said it yourself. You can't trust the angels nor the police since they can't do anything about it. Why won't you allow us?"

They do have a point but I couldn't risk putting them in danger. This demon was strong enough to defeat Eva. It just shows that they've been planning this for a long period of time.

"Wake up, Adrien." Lou said. "The children are right. We can't fight those things by ourselves. I'm a reality manipulator, you can teleport, Bella can read minds. Kai is the strongest among us all. Reality check, these kids are stronger than us. They're element benders and one of them has telekinesis. Do you see where I'm going here?"

"No, Adrien's right. We can't risk the children." Kai said.

"I don't think we have a choice. We can't face this alone." Adonis argued.

"Alright then..." Bella said. "Everyone who wants the kids involved in the battle, step up."

Everyone's hands were raised except mine and Kai's.

"Majority wins." Zee said with a mischievous grin on her face.

Bella sighed. "We're leaving at dusk."

~Zia's POV~

A clinking sound was heard while the daggers were being passed around to the adults. I could feel the tension while everyone was preparing for the fight. It was almost night.

I felt Cleo pull my arm to face the others. "Did you tell you dad?"

"Tell him what?"

Becca hesitated. "That you have no..."

"No, I can't. If I tell him, he won't allow me to go."

"You'll have to tell him, eventually." Uno added.

"Eventually, I will. I just have to find the right time."

Siri put her hand on my shoulder and sighed. "Zee, you'll die out there."

"Possibly...but I don't care. I have to save my mom." I took a peak at my dad and my uncles. I saw the terror and anger drawn on their faces. Siri's dad, holding his javelin and Liv's dad with his crossbow, everyone going through the plan-not dying and taking back our parents.

"Your mom wasn't strong enough to defend herself from those demons. What makes you think you can handle this?" said Becca with her brow up and arms crossed.

"I can't but I'll try."

Uno giggled. "Girl's got the spirit."

"Bix and Cleo" Becca called. "You protect Zia during the battle. You'll act as the defense. The rest, offense. Got it?" We placed our hands on top of each other at the middle. "Go, Mystix!"

Dad raised his hand and a bright circle formed in front of us. "Ready?"

Securing our armors, we nodded. One by one, we ran in the portal to Crimson. For a second, I looked back at the Peterson's living room filled with our pictures together and the TAC.

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