Chapter 26: Wanted for Murder

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~Kai's POV~

Heat of my coffee touched my lips as I dipped on my cup. "So what now?" I asked. We all stopped to get coffee at this shop Cassandra's café.

"Adrien?" Lou asked. "What's our next move?"

"Sleeping is one of the great movements I can do." Don said jokingly.

Adrien rolled his eyes. "Your breath smells like crap, please stop talking."

"Whatever, loser." He pulled out his tongue.

"Ew, you a kid, bruhv?" We laughed hysterically.

"Shh guys." Bella said while her index finger laid on her lips. "I hear something...something dark."

A woman and a man went in the café as soon as Bella said that. She put her hand on her head because of the pain she felt.

"Bella, what do you hear?" Don asked.

"Nothing. It's just pure pain and...torture!"

"Shhh. Hide." We took newspapers and covered our faces. "Try focusing yourself on the woman.

"Good morning, Ms. Cassandra." The staff greeted.

"Good morning, Theodore." She answered back.

Bella's face calmed down and she smiled. "Her." she looked at the woman. "I can sense her...purity. She's unlike that guy beside her."

"Do you think he's got something to do with that fake John's plan?" Lou asked.


"Good morning, Mr. Dean." Our eyes widened.

"That's Dean?!" Don whispered.

"We got our demon. Now we just have to know where the kids are."

We overheard Cassandra say something to Dean. "Honey, I forgot to mention...the other day, I saw this- beautiful kid in the hotel lobby. She was so...I felt warm around her like we were somehow connected to her, you know?"

He sipped on his coffee while eyes are on his newspaper. "Really? What was her name?"

"I think she said her name was...Zia?" His eyes grew large and so did ours.

"The kids were in a hotel?!"

"They must still be there." Lou said. "We need to separate. Kai and Adrien, look for the kids. The rest of us will follow those two."

"Hey, why don't I get to go with the guys?" Don asked.

Lou clicked her tongue. "Just go with it!"

"We'll call you if we find anything." They nodded.

Adrien and I walked out of the café. "Where to now?"

"Let's start from the hotel." He said.

"Where the hell is the hotel?" Adrien looked around and saw the car the couple got out of, obviously.

"Excuse me." He called on the driver. "We were just speaking to Ms. Cassandra and Mr. Dean a while ago about the hotel they checked in at. They told me to ask you for the direction to the hotel they were staying in...It was uhh...what was it?"

"Oh, the Villa Montana Hotel. Just turn left to that side and..." This guy never fails to surprise me.

"Alright, thank you so much." He said. "We got our destination"

"Damn, bro got some smart ass in yah."

"Pssh come on." He ran behind the trees near the café and opened a portal. "Care to do the honors?" He bowed slightly and pointed at the portal.

"My pleasure." I jumped in and he followed. A bunch of leaves and bushes appeared in front of us and on the side was the hotel, Villa Montana.

We got in the lobby and asked the front desk. "Hi, we would like to ask about three kids that checked in here about a week ago. They're our kids and they've been...missing." Adrien said.

"I understand. Can I get an I.D. proving that you're the children's parents?"

"Here." She typed something on the computer, nodded, and grabbed the telephone to call someone. "Just a second, sir."

"We want to know where they went after they checked out."

"This way." She led us somewhere that looked like a security room then she whispered something to the security's ear. He typed some computer programing stuff and the screen started rewinding.

On the screen, four kids were seen to leave the hotel at 5:30am on their bikes. It was Siri, Bixby, Zia, and a Olivia.

"That's them! Could you show us the camera outside the hotel?"

They were seen riding their bikes as fast as they could, as if trying to run from somebody.

"That's the only thing our cameras captured, sir."

"Is there anything weird that you've noticed when they got here?" Adrien asked.

"Well, the two girls got out of the hotel right after they checked in. When they got back, they were carrying something and they got bikes with them. I assumed they were just rich and hungry that they bought snacks and bikes outside whenever they want."

"Oh they are rich but they don't do things with no reason."

"Could you show us that day they checked in?"

The screen showed Liv and Zia get in the hotel with a paper bag. "Wait! Zoom it right there." I pointed at the print on the bag Liv was holding.

"Where is TechBot Mechanic Shop?"

"It's right down the..." The woman told us directions of where the store is.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"By the way, could you tell us which room they stayed in?" Adrien asked the woman.

"I'll check on it. This way."

I took his arm and whispered. "Why do you need to go to their room?"

"I want to know what scared them that much that they had to run from such a luxurious place like this. What if their room was next to-"

"Dean's...I love how your brain works. I would marry you but I'm already married to the love of my life." I grinned.

"Dick. I am too."

"134B, second floor. Here's the keycard if you'd like to look around. Our staff will assist you."

The elevator lifted up and belled when the door opened. I turned around to face the staff once we opened the door. "We can take it from here. Don't worry, we can handle ourselves. We just need a bit of privacy." He nodded.

Adrien opened a small portal to the other room beside ours and peaked. "Clear. Come on." The portal widened and we hopped in.

"Hey, come look at this." I showed him a paper with something written on it.

"What..." He read the words on it. "Adrien Paige."

Angel Diaries 2: Land of the MystixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora