Chapter 16: Captured

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~Ryder's POV~

Where am I? I asked myself. I slowly opened my eyes but saw nothing but darkness.

"HELLO?! Bixby! Kai! Babe! Eva?! Are you there?!" I tried screaming up to my lungs.

"I'd reserve the screaming for...never, if I were you."

Oh my Go-

"You...?! YOU DID THIS?!"

"Oops. Shocked? You know how much I hate you...right?"

"You're sick!" I tried and tried to pull out the rope that tied my wrists at back and my foot. He touched my foot and crawled up to my thighs.

"Ah!" I flicked him away. I couldn't help the tears from running from my eyes to the cloth around my head, covering my eyes.

"See how easy it was for me to touch you, dear?"

"Stop! Let me go, creep!"

"Oh, Selena. Always the strong one, aye?" His laughed almost made me want to throw up.

"Your breath smells like you haven't brushed your teeth in years, you psychopath!" I then heard a rusty sound of a gate open and a dark laugh.

"When I come back, you better be at you good girl behavior, Selena."

"Wait! Why are you doing this?!"

"For love and family. That's why."

~Eva's POV~

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Oh, you're awake. I didn't want to wake you up." He said while still holding the tiny shovel on his hand.

"I didn't know that you were into gardening."

"Of course you didn't. You've only been home for like- a week? Almost two."

Oh right, amnesia. "I love the bracelet by the way."

"Uhhh yeah. It's a...welcome home gift." I nodded.

"Dean, way back before the accident, what was I like? What did I do?"

"Well, uhmmm..." He stood up and took off his gloves. " were very kind and hospitable. You liked helping people."

"I figured. I'm fighting the urge to help you right now." We giggled.

"You should still be resting. You've only been out of that wheel chair for 2 days."

"Yeah I suppose I should be resting. So what did I do for a living?"

"You owned a café."

"Great. I'm a caffeine addict."

"HAHA you are!"

"So when do I start going back there? What's the place called?"

"Cassandra's Cafe."

"Wow. Narcissist much? HAHA."

"Yeah, well, you wanted to give it to our child someday and make her proud that she has a mother like you."

I couldn't say anything. I felt bad not knowing what happened to my own child. He noticed the silence I gave so he sighed.

"You don't have to push yourself too hard. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"No no I- I really want to know more about myself." I paused. "Take me to the café."

"Wait- now?"

"No, tomorrow morning."

"Ok but which one? We have a 14 branches. We have one at Puerto Rico too."

"Oh my gosh, Puerto Rico? Yep, I've made my decision. Take me there."

"Great! We're flying in two days. I'll book the tickets."

~Dean's POV~

She walked away with a smile on her face. How stunning. I heard then a rush behind me.

"Are you sure about this?" The shadow asked.

"I want her to be happy for now."

"And I need her for my own plan. She's more powerful than you think, Dean. A simple power-blocking bracelet could still let her abilities free and a shapeshifting potion-."

"I need her to trust me before we execute your plan."

"Our plan."

~Bella's POV~

"Where are Kai and Adrien?"

"Probably still at Oriel" Adonis answered while eyes are glued to his monitor.

"What are you doing?"

"Owner-of-the-club stuff."

"Come on, love. It's 2am. Come here." I tapped on the bed to gesture him to sleep.

"Uh huh...just a sec, babe." I crossed my arms and raised my brow at him causing him a nervous look at me.

He sighed. "Fine. I went to talk to our private investigator after our meeting about the clues."

"We have a private investigator?!" He nodded and I sighed. "You told me you were going at the club."

"I needed an excuse. Duh."

"Ok..?" I got up and went near him. "What did you do there?"

"Come." He gestured me to come and I put my arms around his shoulders with my knees bent.

On the screen was the CCTV footage of the crime scene.

"But the police said there were no taken footage at the scene."

"Exactly. There must be someone that's keeping us from taking this footage...from the inside THAT'S in our group." I was taken by surprise. Even with our rules in boundaries on mind-reading, I read his mind.

"...John and Nova? Why'd you think it's Nova?!"

"Hey, I thought we said no mind-reading?!"

"Shush. What's in there?" I pointed my head to the computer."

"Ok look." He played the footage.

To start off, there was nothing. Then..."That's her car." The light was on red for almost a minute. She started moving forward as soon as the light went green, then a huge water truck hit her car causing her car to tumble thrice into the air. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. "Holy shi-"

"Wait, this is where it gets weird."

I looked closely at the driver. A guy, no, I wasn't sure if it were a guy. A person with a black hoodie and a cap got out of the truck and looked at her. He squatted to her level and... "What was tha-? Was that a bird?" White pair of wings covered the camera and then it was all static.

He clicked his tongue. "That was too big to be a bird." My jaw was still open with shock. "See that mark on it's wings?" It was the same blue infinity mark on every angel wings at Oriel.

"Oh my God- that's one of Oriel's angels."

"Mhmm. The question is..." He laid his elbows on the table and looked at me.

"...which one?"

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