Chapter 22: Reverse Card

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The world is a...curious place. Animals wander, humans ponder, and even create such ridicule theories. Stories of dragons and grimlocks, fairies and goblins, unicorns and pegasi, wizards and warlocks...and witches. Witches. What ludicrous beings. Such mischief, they bring.

This story of the gifted may be full of aghast, maybe daze, but there's more to every story...

...for it all began in one place.

Long ago...well, what I mean by long is HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of years ago, there lay a garden in a world called Eden and a girl named...Aurea.

She skipped and ran past every witch and wizard she met. "Good morning, Richard!"

"Morning, Miss Laveau!"

It was a regular day for sweet Aurea, daughter of a Laveau, the best line of witches, an heiress. Stomping on the grass, running through the bushes. It was just another perfect day at Eden Garden.

Her bare foot could feel the green, moist ground beneath her as she ran through the field where she marvels daily, for the past few years she's been placed on Earth by the creator.

"Aurea, lovely meeting such a fair face this sunrise!" said the woman with a basket full of wild, exotic fruits. "You got up early. What's the rush?"

"Alice!" She said while playing with the flower she stuck behind her right ear. "Lovely indeed." She picked some berries from the bush just right beside her and offered them to Alice. "Fancy a berry, sister?"

"Pass. We're having the great festival today, remember?"

"A feast? Which one?"

Alice chuckled at her query. "Silly, you. Charms Festival. You know? We feast for our union with the other beings every year. How could you ever forget such a salient event?"

"Hmmm. I suppose festivals and unions aren't one of the many things that bring me excitement." she whispered.

"Is this about that boy from the centaurs' troop?" Alice asked, still picking up strawberries from the ground. "You do know that we're not supposed to be with other beings, right? Only the same beings that we are. Those are the rules of the witches."

"...So much for a union." The horn was blown and heard around the field. It was a sign to get ready for the big day ahead.

"Do come on! We need to prepare!" Alice started running back inside their home. "And please do not meet with the centaur!"

"I most certainly assure you, I won't!" Aurea started running to the woods, up the small plateau.

Joy and cheers filled the garden! Children ran along the field, and men and women's laughter echoed through the air. It was glorious. Nothing could ever be more perfect.

Aurea, from above, sat on the ground and looked down at the people. She felt warm inside seeing smiling faces everywhere her eyes may be glued.


"Theon..." Theon, a centaur, the love of her life, the reason for her bliss. No one ever thought that a pure, forbidden love, would end up with a great holocaust.

She hugged his body with its soft silk fur of a horse.

"What's wrong, my love?"

"I- I was just saddened by the sudden reminder of my sister, Alice."

"Of what?"


He paused, thinking about the facts spilled in front of them.

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