"Oh God! President Manoban is handing out sweets! Where did they take this photo? There's a sunset behind them. It's so beautiful."

"I knew Jennie would be by President Manoban's side on his birthday. So sweet!"

"Awww, they are so fortunate."

"Am I the only one that noticed they are wrapped in a blanket? It seems...they are naked!"

"Haha, you even noticed that? You are amazing!"

After seeing the post, Suzy also joined in the discussions, "Don't bully me for being overseas and not having my husband by my side. I hate you guys for being so affectionate. Happy birthday President Manoban."

"I want the whole world to be envious of me," Jennie giggled as she put away her phone and continued to watch the sunset with Lisa until the stars began to show. The couple remained by the window until midnight. Only then did Lisa tidy everything up and drive Jennie back to the hotel. However, after arriving at the hotel, Jennie did not want Lisa to walk her to her room, "If you come in, I won't let you go."

"In that case, I won't go..." Lisa grabbed onto Jennie's hand, dragged her into her room and slammed the door shut behind them.

"The walls are thin here..."

After all, the film crew had not booked a fancy 5-star hotel.

"It's fine...You won't be able to make a sound after what I do to you."

Jennie felt, from the time they got married, although they had their intimate moments, they had never experienced the intensity of the last two days. They could continue from day through to night and it would not feel like enough.

Did this mean...her love for Lisa had once again increased?

Early the next morning, before the sun began to rise, Lisa got out of bed while Jennie was still asleep.

Lisa did not wake her up. He simply left her a note like she had left for him and returned to Beijing. He still had an important board meeting to attend that day.

After waking up, Jennie looked at the note and headed straight to the film set. There was a huge obstacle waiting for her today. The big shot on set was waiting for her explanation.

"Jennie, you're back," Wei An looked at Jennie helplessly as he walked to her side and whispered, "We are supposed to film your scene with Elder Hei today, but..."

The crew had started to call Elder Manoban, Elder Hei, because he had told them that his surname was Hei.

"He still doesn't want to film with me, am I right?"

"It's not that I don't want to film with you. You are the one that did not fulfill your responsibility as an actress. Just because it's your husband's birthday, does that mean you can abandon the entire crew? You're acting too arrogant!" the old man scoffed as he sat to one side. "I hope I get to work with a real actor. If you can't do it, I can ask to get you replaced."

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows because the old man did not hold back at all as he scolded her in from of the entire crew.

"Sorry, I know it wasn't right of me to take a day off. But, in my heart, my husband holds the number one position. This will never change," Jennie explained to the old man. "I'm sorry for delaying everyone's progress."

In reality, according to Jennie's contract, it was fair for her to take a day off. Not only this, even if another actress was in her place and had worked so hard to complete so many important scenes, it was reasonable to take a day off for some rest.

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