'What do you expect to happen?! An attractive woman french-kisses a young boy! I wonder how he will react!'

'I do not see an issue. It is his fault for misunderstanding.'

You sighed mentally. 'And that's why I have to help you. And by the way, I have another anime for us to watch tonight. It's only thirteen episodes, so we can watch it pretty quick and still let me get enough rest for tomorrow.'

'I look forward to it.'

With perfect timing, you reached your room as soon as this exchange ended. You were already in your sleepwear, so all that was left was to lay on the bed.

Not even bothering to go under the covers, you plopped your head on the puffy pillows and grasped the pendant.

As soon as you appeared in Echidna's Tea Party, you asked, "Hey, Echidna. Are you ready for some light binging?!"

It was obvious that Echidna didn't know what this meant, since she tilted her head slightly to the left when you said it. "What does 'light-binging' mean? I do not recall any Yang spells that 'binge'."

You shook your head while you chuckled. "No, that's not what that means. Binging means watching a lot of TV at one time without taking a break."

Echidna made an 'oh' face. "And by TV, you are referring to anime, correct?"

It was surprising how many things Echidna didn't know, considering how she could see your memories. "Yeah. You watch anime on TV- wait a second. I usually watched it on my laptop... So it's not really TV, but it kinda is since anime is usually on TV too, and things that you watch on TV are..."

You trailed off, since that was going nowhere. "Yeah. When I say TV, just assume that I'm talking about anime. Until you know more about my world, just assume that. We might branch off from anime later, but don't worry about that yet."

Echidna absorbed all of this information as if she enjoyed listening to everything you said, no matter what it was. "Understood. Now, what anime are you planning on showing me tonight? I found Code Geass quite interesting, but it was lacking in the love aspect."

With a grin, you took your seat next to Echidna and gulped down her tea. "We're going to watch Angel Beats! It's very emotional, and even you might feel something in the last episode! It might not technically be romance, but like I said, I don't want to watch something that's too long, and this seemed like a perfect one for you!"

Echidna quickly went through your memories and found the ones where you were watching Angel Beats. She was intrigued by your claims, and was very curious as to what the ending would offer. 

You were then surrounded by a first person POV of yourself watching Angel Beats. The OP triggered mass nostalgia, and you knew that you were going to enjoy the next few hours. 

Angel Beats was one of very, very few anime that (almost) made you cry, so if it worked on you, Echidna should at least feel a little emotion. If not, things were going to be more difficult than you thought.

(A/N: I actually haven't watched that many romance anime, so if any of you have suggestions for Echidna, let me know. Thanks!)

A little over 5 hours later

The end credits for the final episode were finally playing, and you felt something surge in your chest. Seeing Otonashi lose Kanade was heartbreaking, and seeing everyone disappear in the credits hit you just like it did the first time.

Echidna, on the other hand, was busy thinking about something. "(Y/N), I believe that Otonashi was the programmer that was mentioned in the previous episode."

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