you wear something or find something of your parents

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Uzumaki family

3rd person pov

Y/n was very board. no one to play with cause her brother is playing some video games. Her sister was out with friends. Also her dad was fast asleep on the couch. So she was left alone and board. So what does she do. 
Well she gets up and explores to find something to entertain herself. 

Y/n pov

I'm looking all over the place till i end up in my parents room. So i open the door and walk in. It was very boring room. Everything was neat and orderly. Walking around i see the closet. Now if her parents where like any other people then everyone knows that the closet os the best spot to find things. So opening the closet i find some boxes and open them up. "Hmm what is in here?" I ask myself till i find some goggles. "Oh these look nice." I pull them out and put them on. Then walk in-front of the mirror and look at myself with a grin.

"So this is where you were?" I turn around and see my dad smiling at me. "Yeah i was board, but look what i found!" I point to the goggles. "So you found them. I use to wear thoes all the time."

"Well duh they are cool who wouldn't want to wear them. Can i have them and wear them to school?" I look at him with my puppy eyes activated. My dad chuckles and nods. "Sure they look great on you." "Yay!" i hug him and we head back downstairs. "i can't wait to show everyone."


Uchiha Family

M/n pov 

"Ok so what now?" I ask myself as i stand in-front of the basement door. Now i know I'm not allowed done their without someone with me. But no one is around so who cares. i open the door and head down the big steps. Once i reach the bottom i look at all the boxes and stuff that where down here. "There has to be something in the boxes." So i walk over to them and start opening them up one at a time. "Nothing but junk." Then my eyes catch something. Picking it up i find some clothes that look decent. A dark blue short sleeve shirt. Some shorts and white arm bands. "Look decent." I put them one and head upstairs only to walk into some legs. Looking up i see it's my mom.

Sakura pov

I look down at M/n and smile. he found some of Sasuke's old clothes. Thoe they where big on M/n he still looked good in them. "M/n what did we say about going in the basement without us?" "Hn" i glare ay him. "fine not to go down there, but come on I'm 6 years old. I'm big enough to handle anything." i sight to myself. "Your just like your dad. Well it's fine but next time wait for us."

M/n pov

i nod then walk away. Think dad will let me keep these?" i ask my mom as she follows me out. "I don't see why not."


Nara family

Y/n pov

"This is so boring." i compline as i am being babysat by my uncle Kankuro. All he does is make puppets and paint them too. "Then go find something to do I'm busy." My uncle tells me. Did eh forget he was suppose to be watching me? Oh well then i will just explore his house. Walking along the hallway i stop at a door that has my mom's name on it. So not thinking of anything i walk into her room and look around. "Not that bad." As i walk around i see a big fan on the wall. I know my mom loves fans for some reason, but one this big? i think to myself and walk around. I look under the bed to find a good size box. So the only logical thing to do is to look through it. So that's what i do. Opening the box i find a fan just big enough to hold. Pulling it out i wave it around.

Tamari pov

"And what do you think your doing y/n?" I smirk as i see my daughter waving around a fan. "Well uncle Kankuro was ignoring me and told me to find something to do. So that's what i did and i found this fan. I like it can i keep it?" Y/n asks me. I smile and nod. "Sure now lets head home dinner is almost ready."

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