Still, Y/n didnt want to turn around. The little white cat gave out a small meow. Y/n turned her head to see the cat and saw a small smile with its tongue sticking out.

She grabbed the cat and placed it down on the rocks, giving it a small head scratch. Y/n hesitated, her hands were shaking and her heart started to race.

She turned around and saw a blond boy running up to her, blocking her view from the people behind the blond. The blond boy embraced her with his arms around neck and her face stuffed in his chest.

Y/n could feel his heart beating like crazy. It took her a while to realize what's happening. The warmth of the boy is very comforting.

She slowly lifted her arms up and rapped then around the boys torso. She stuffed her face into his chest. The sound of sniffing can be heard from above.

The blond is crying for whatever reason. Y/n didnt feel like crying at the moment.

The blond's grip became tight for a few seconds and then letting go, putting his hands on Y/n's shoulder.

His soft spot for Y/n still remains.

Little boogers came out from his nose without him realizing.  "Boogers, clean yourself" Y/n said. Tommy smirked and grabbed Y/n's arm and raised it up to his nose.

Y/n quickly slapped his cheek and stepped back with a dumbfounded look. She wasnt showing it but she really is happy to see him again.

"Your forgetting about us" The monotone voice said. Y/n looks over and see everyone.

Wilbur, Philza, Ranboo, and Techno. Tommy was right in front of Y/n. Wait.


Y/n hasn't seen Will since the festival. Did he die in the explosion or did someone kill him during the festival?

But, Ranboo.

Y/n stepped away from Tommy and her eyes started to get watery. Ranboo tried to hold his tears in but couldn't, they only built up until they all fell out.

Her legs were shaking as she waddled closer. "Ranboo?" She raised her hand to her mouth and covered it, preventing any sobs. Her other hand reached out to Ranboo.

Ranboo wasted no time and quickly embraced Y/n. Him being very tall, he could only hug her by the neck. Y/n, too, didnt waste any time and wrapped her arms around Ranboo, her dear brother.

Too many tears have already fallen out. All that was left was silent hiccups. Their legs started to give up. Softly, landing on their knees while keeping eachother warm just like when they were kids.

"Well, I didnt expect all of us to be here" Phil said. That's rather harsh but it is Mr. Minecraft.

Phil walked up to the two siblings and pulled out his wings. Softly and gently embracing both of them with his wings. Tommy quickly ran towards us and jumped into the hug. Wilbur and Techno watched while the two cats sat together.

Phil looked over at Will and Techno and signalled them to come and join the little reunion. Techno with his arms crossed and Wilbur with his hands on his hips. Wilbur bumped Techno's arm and started to wiggle his eyebrows with a sly smirk.

Techno unfolded his arms and patted Wilbur's back a little too rough, sending him forward to the group. Will joined the group and Techno hesitated. He only wants to hug Y/n.

The cats saw Techno and knew what he was thinking about so they quickly ran to Y/n and started tugging on her pants with small meows.

After a few seconds, everyone removes themselves from the large embrace and stand up. Y/n was last to stand up. Ranboo, Wilbur and Tommy stood next to Phil.

The End Of The End.              (Technoblade X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now