The butterfly that leads to endless suffering.

The cats started tugging on her pants though Y/n didnt budge. When the butterfly landed, it triggered some false memories. Not just memories but words that can really hurt ones soul.

Even murderers like her have feelings.

The cats dug their claws into her pants in a way of stopping her. Even In death, guardians remain loyal to their goddess.

Small desperat meows escapes their small mouth. Going deeper into the endless void.

Small steps into the pit of hell. The warmth of the other side is slowly crawling in. The miserable meows growing louder. They want their goddess to go to the other side and not the pit of endless suffering.

More white butterflies came from behind and flew towards the voices.

One can call this a happy ending...

How? You may ask.

Well, let me show you...

"Where are you going?" A voice called out from behind. A very monotone voice and some small giggles.

The cats unlatched themselves off Y/n and turned to behind them. The cats quickly recognized them and started tugging on Y/n's pants even harder.

The light in Y/n's eyes slowly started to come back but from the sudden appearance of the butterfly, it started to lose the light and its color.

"Bubblegum" another voice called out. A more warmer and British voice. It felt like home to Y/n.

The butterflies slowly dissolved into the air. The light and color began coming back but her legs kept moving on their own.

Her pace became slower and her breathing became more calmer. The warmth was not more softer and gentle.

"N/n!" Another voice called out. This time it was two voices. A calm and smoother voice and a loud and obnoxious voice.

Her walking stopped. She remained were she stood without looking back. The cats finally letting go and resting on their back from all the pulling.

Y/n's heart started to race. No one ever called her by her nickname and the only people that have was her brothers.

"Sister..." another voice called out. A softer and warmer voice. It felt extremely relieving to hear.

Y/n didnt want to turn around despite hearing that voice. She thinks it's a prank to make her loose her sanity even more.

The white cat started to climb her. Reaching her shoulder and sitting there. Small meows came from the small fluffy cat.

Y/n couldn't understand but felt like she knew what the cat was saying. The black cat meowed. Y/n looked down at the black cat that was staring at her. The black cat looked behind Y/n and stood herself up with her two little feet, meowing at the voices.

The End Of The End.              (Technoblade X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now