Chapter Twenty One: Ghosting Games

Comenzar desde el principio

"Lorraine, we should go. She called security. I can't be part of a scandal. Nick will hang me by my hair."

I left for her sake. Otherwise I would wait for the security guards and take them on. It's child's play compared to what I'm used to.

I glared at her as I walked back into the elevator. When someone else tried to get in, I spread my arms across. "Dude it's full. Take the stairs you're chubby."

"Katya!" Keira reprimanded me.

"Hon, I'm not in the mood to even attempt nice today. What did the receptionist say?"

"He went to a medical convention in Vermont."

"Then we are going to Vermont." She glanced at her pretty rose gold wrist watch. I saw the face about to say 'she can't.' Today I need a conscience. Nick can wait. "I need you today. You can't leave me alone."

I didn't need to say more. She nodded and again took my hand.

I can't help but worry that it's my father behind Ferrer's behavior. He's scared he will die and that is why he was in a hurry to put together a will. I broke into his lawyer's office and I read the contents of his will. Terrence gets everything. His father -a man I don't wish to see around- gets his penthouse. I get a lot of money and I will be in charge of everything until I deem Terrence worthy of inheritance. He's scared. I have to find him and save him.

We drove all the way to Vermont. Kei was quiet. I could have let her drive but she's the courteous kind who let's everyone pass and sticks to what is lower than the speed limit. She should live a little! Break some rules even!

"I don't mean to upset you but are you two fighting?"

"No KEI we are not. We are actually alright. He told me he loves me." I smiled when I remembered us dancing in his living room. "Then he's gone just like that."

"He dies have commitment issues."

"Yes but he even left a will. What does that tell you?" I took my eyes off the road to glance at her.

"It tells me that he's in trouble."

"Exactly. And the trouble may be my father. If he's not in Vermont, I have to find my father. Do me a favor hon. When we get to Vermont, you will play his wife, girlfriend or whatever and just convince the man at the front desk to tell you about him. I will step in when you signal me. Please, take the lead on this."

She squeezed my knee. "I understand you're upset and I'll take care of everything you can't do. That's why I'm here." She assured me.

I turned up the radio when 'Don't Fear the Reaper' from the Blue Oyster Cult started playing. We both like the song and as she sang to it my mind drowned in a dark past that has caught up. I can't escape or avoid my father anymore. Ferrer better be in Vermont.

Keira's POV
I approached the front desk with a big smile on my face. I am trying to ignore the message Nick sent asking me to pick up his calls or he will drop everything to come look for me and I won't like how it will end.

Katya needs me right now.

"Good evening sir." I beamed.

"Good evening miss! Can I help you?"

I'm so happy I can still pass off as miss! "Actually it's Mrs Cavaleiro." I cringed and waved the hand with the wedding ring. "It's been a two weeks now."


"Why thank you! How kind! I'm in need of help. This nervous new wife, is not at peace." I eased the smile to a look of concern. My damn phone won't stop vibrating. 

"What is wrong?"

"It's my husband. We had a fight yesterday, our very first one since we married. I'm terrified of the way he left. He's an only child so he can be a brat sometimes. If things don't go his way he splits. He mentioned a medical something... He said he would stay here. Can you just point me in the right direction so that I can save my marriage?"

There's another marriage that will need saving if I don't answer my phone.

"I wish I could help but it's against hotel policy to give out our client's room numbers."

"Please sir-" I pulled up my hair to a knot. That's the signal. Katya walked in.

"There you are!" She closed in on me. "Have you confirmed it? Have you told her?"

The man at the reception appeared confused. "What?"

"Have you told her he's a cheating bastard? That Cassonova can't go a second without chasing after anything in a skirt! He came here with a woman didn't he?"

She's speaking from a source of familiar pain. Katya is in love with Ferrer. She has been for the longest time. When I got pregnant by Nick and he asked me if it's Theo's, it hurt me deeply. I couldn't stand being in the same space with him. I moved to Marseille to start over. Katya has had to be around Ferrer knowing very well he's Terr's father and worse still watching him going through women like he goes through his scrubs. She's strong in that sense. I would die from heartbreak.

"Miss, I wish I could tell you but-"

"It's hotel policy! I understand!" I released the water works. "But we are talking about the test of my life here! I'm still young! Don't I deserve a good man who doesn't cheat on me?"

"To cheat on all this, you need to be as cold as ice. Right?" Katya asked the receptionist. He looks overwhelmed.

"I agree. He is one cold bastard. He checked in alone but when he left, he left with a woman."

I saw Katya's face lose the little colour she has.

"What did she look like?" I asked.

"A platinum blonde with blue eyes."

"When did he leave?" I asked.

"Late last night. Neither one of them has come back. I'm sorry about your marriage starting off like this."

"It's not your fault. You've been of great help. I'm ditching him."

I took Katya's hand and pulled her stiff body away.

She didn't say much even as I drove us back. She just kept looking paler by the second and she stayed really still. When we got back to her place, I decided to talk to her. "Is something wrong?"

"My father has Ferrer."

"Is that the conclusion?"

"A definite one. He must know about me. He must know about Terr."

"What will you do now?"

"I'll look for him."

We shared the same expression, one of deep concern for the doctor.

"I can ask Nick-"

"Don't bring him into this. We don't play like he does. We play rough without any courtesy. Thank you for being there for me. I love you." She kissed my cheek.

"I love you." I assured her.

She left to go home.

I checked my phone. It's dead. I'm dead. 

The Romanov Series Book #1: My Rogue Girlfriend Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora