Chapter 68

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—Harry POV—

I blinked twice as the sunlight cascaded into the room, flooding the old wallpaper of Grimmauld Place. Looking to my side where a weight once sank the bed. I smoothed the sheets over with an extended hand, and glanced around the room from my position, then finally sat up and rubbed my eyes.

I walked through the bedroom door and looked around, following the sound of the familiar voices of Draco and Scorpius. This early? Bringing a palm to my head, I wondered what form their fight would take this time. Though, they did sound much more civil than the rest of their conversations the days before. With careful steps, trying to make as little noise as possible, I made my way over to Scorpius' room. I stopped short at the open doorway, placed each hand on the frame and inched my face slowly forward, waiting for two nearly identical furious faces challenging each other.

"Scorpius," Draco's gentle voice uttered, "it's time to wake up. Come on."

What I found, instead, was Draco gently shaking Scorpius, who curled into him by the arm. Scorpius slowly stirred awake, blinking and rubbing his eyes, his eyebrows raised in a sort of surprised expression. The same face his father makes in the morning. I chuckled, giving away my position at the door.

Draco whipped his head in my direction. He said nothing, but a wonderfully earnest smile grew on his face in a few moments. I peeked more of my head in, feeling a small smile appear in response. Scorpius sat up, hugging his father. Draco closed his eyes and gladly returned the embrace, before they let go, and Draco patted him gently on the back, telling him to get showered and dressed before breakfast. He left Scorpius to his own, closing the door with a light smile.

"You seem cheery," I commented, snaking my arms around his waist and leaning towards him, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"He forgave me... I think. He was crying and telling me he was nervous for school, and we talked... I don't think he hates me anymore," Draco explained. I could hear the smile in his voice and the relief in his tone. It made me happy to know he was as well.

"I told you he would come around." I moved out of the hug, placing each one of my hands on his shoulders, getting a good look at his smile, the way it reached his eyes, how he already seemed less tense than he had been for weeks....

My right hand trailed down his arm to his hand, and when I took it, I squeezed three times. I love you.

"So... what happened last night?" He asked, breaking me out of my trance.

"Oh," I responded. "Well, it's nothing new, not really. Just another person telling me they'd lost a loved one, saying the Ministry hasn't given them any updates, asking me to help," I responded, glancing down. Draco brought a finger to my chin and tilted my head up gently, giving me an analytical look.

"You want to help..."

I gently moved away from him. "It's fine. I'll just... I don't know. I don't want to deal with... with..."

"But that doesn't mean you don't want to help. You may not want to go chasing bad guys all around, but you just might if it means you're helping." I blinked, swallowing.

"It doesn't matter. It's fine, it's-"

"Do you feel alright? I mean.. are you..."

"No, no-yes! I'm fine. It's all fine. Don't worry about it." My voice was getting louder, but I forced myself to keep from screaming, to stop getting too defensive, because then he would know something was wrong. "Let's go get ourselves dressed. It's a big day, isn't it?" He stood there for half a second, looking at me through furrowed brows, the gears in his head turning. From the distance I head the cat meowing, wanting to get let out of her cage. I walked back towards him quickly, resting my hands on his shoulders and giving him a small kiss.

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