Chapter 65

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Apologies for the late Update, everybody. From now on, Updates will come once a week, every Sunday. This is because I start school (marching band camp) tomorrow!! And Because of my responsibilities as a leader, this means I will be significantly more busy than I was these past several months. Thank you for your understanding, Please let me know what you think of the story so far, and most importantly, Enjoy!!!!

—Draco POV—

"No, don't leave. I don't want to get up yet," I mumbled into Harry's chest, holding him tighter.

Last night had drained me more than I could have ever imagined. All I wanted to do was disappear, really. I hate the man I used to be, and I hate that I've burdened my own son with such faults. I wished I could go back in time, go back and fix everything, all for Scorpius. He doesn't deserve what I've done to him.

The faint presence of soft lips pressing onto my hairline was a comfort. I took a breath, getting as close as I possibly could to Harry, who's own hold never wavered.

"We're going to have to get up eventually," he said, voice smooth and soft as he ran a hand through my hair. "We didn't have dinner last night. We should have breakfast," he explained.

It was another few minutes before I decided he was right, and that procrastinating facing Scorpius was only going to make things worse.

Scorpius didn't help make breakfast like he always did. He didn't even say anything to us, didn't even look at me.

"Good morning," I prompted, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

Scorpius remained unmoving, as though he hadn't heard me speak- though I was sure he had. His head stayed down and he continued reading his book, sitting in his seat at the table.  The distant sound of a high pitched 'meow' could be heard, along with the jingling of a bell, which steadily increased in volume.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked gently. While his head didn't move, his eyes snapped up to me with a glare, then he slammed the book down onto the table, causing me to flinch slightly. He stabbed the eggs with his fork, shoveling them into his mouth, his eyes remained cold on me.

"Now, Scorpius, I understand you're upset but this is no way to behave-" I began sternly until the I felt the cat swipe at my pant leg from below the table, causing me to jump slightly. Harry gently placed his hand on my bicep, as though he were telling me to leave it alone.

Scorpius only continued violently shoveling food into his mouth, staring at me. It took all of my strength not to challenge him with my own stare. He's upset for good reason.

"Scor," began Harry with a small sigh. Scorpius snapped his head to look at him, his expression softening only slightly. Harry didn't continue. When Scorpius realized this, he stood up, the chair scraping against the floor, picked up the cat, which must have been standing at his feet, and walked away. I closed my eyes and threw my head onto the table with a groan.

"This is how it's going to be, isn't it..."

"I'm sure he just needs to think about things, Draco. You've never done wrong by him, after all."

"My father had never done wrong by me until he made me get the mark."

"Well- but that's different, he was bad throughout your life. He never changed his morals and so it wasn't a matter of having a father with a bad past, it was having a father who was a bad person..."

"It's difficult to go against someone who's loved and cared for you your whole life," I told him.

"Well that's exactly my point," Harry responded. "And to make things even better, you aren't that kind of person anymore. He just needs to work through and understand that your past happened and-"

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