Chapter 54

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—Draco POV—

"But dad," Scorpius whined, pouting dramatically.

"Just Dance? Of all games? Really, Scorpius?"

"It's fun!" He countered. I rolled my eyes. This game is a bit too ridiculous, thank you.

"Scorpius, my love, my world, my everything, I will play any other game."

"Just because you aren't good at dancing doesn't mean you can't play with me." Scorpius crossed his arms, giving an incredulous look. I spluttered.

"Young man I might as well be the best dancer my age. People stepped aside for me. I just don't dance contemporarily. Waltzing is my forte. Not..." I waved my arms passively at the paused screen. I do not want to play this game. "This... thing."

"Dad! Just play with me, please? It won't be long and it's an easy song," he said, putting his arms behind his back and leaning forward. I sighed, my shoulders drooping. He's really giving me no choice. I'd sooner have the Cruciatus cast on me than fumble around like a monkey.

"Hey, what's going on?" I heard Harry's voice come around the corner. Oh, thank Merlin.

"Hey! Erm... Would you want to play in Scor's... Dancing game?" I rushed over around the couch with my arm extended, trying to hand him the remote. He backed away a little.

"Oh, uh, sure..." He took the controller hesitantly. As I breathed a sigh of relief and started to walk off, I heard a high-pitched grumble from the living room.

"Really? You're going to make Harry play alone?" Scorpius said suddenly.

"He won't be playing alone, you'll be playing with him!"

"But... Where are you going, then?" Scorpius asked, letting go of that snivelly tone and reverting back to his gentle one.

"I'm going to read a book and get some tea."

"But that's boring!"

I sighed, throwing my head up. I looked over at Harry, now standing in front of the TV.

I grabbed a book from the bookshelf near the kitchen, promptly pulling up a chair from the dining table. I groaned in frustration as I realized I had dog-eared a page instead of using a bookmark, clicking my tongue before putting the page back into place. When was the last time I read? I paused, softly flipping over the pages, regaining what memories I had lost about this book, the images slowly coming back. With all that's happened... It's been a while.

The kettle whistled four pages in. I got up and sighed, feeling the chair's leg drag when I moved it. Making tea yourself, when not done mindlessly, is quite a relaxing thing. How the kettle handle feels warm on your hand, how the water pours onto a cup, the tea leaves swirling; the small things, as Muggles in America used to say, really do matter.

That thought led me to think of Scorpius, and once I finished serving myself tea, I looked back on the living room, taking note of the upbeat song playing, and Harry struggling to keep himself balanced. I held back a snicker. I went back to where I was sitting, taking a sip of my Earl Grey tea. Starting to read the book again, I went back to the passage I last read. Once I was a paragraph or so in, the imagery the author designed vanished, intercepted by Scorpius and Harry's laughter, followed by a small groan. I felt a smile start to grow on my face, before I focused my attention back on the book. This time, I brought the book closer to my face, and replayed each sentence in my mind. But with another bout of joyful laughter, I had to replay everything word-by-word, thoughts straying to the two loves of my life, who were very rudely stopping me from reading my book.

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